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Pokemon Ruby/Sapphire GBA Game Cheat: Gym Walkthroughs

Dec 27, 2006

Hidey-ho there Pokemon Trainers, it's Pokemon Gym walkthrough time! In each Pokemon video game there are Pokemon Gyms where the strongest trainers hang out. If you can defeat all the trainers in a gym, you'll win a badge and prove your Pokemon Trainer skills. Right here we have all the [kwlink]game cheat[/kwlink] info and walkthroughs you'll need to beat all eight of the gyms in Pokemon Ruby or Pokemon Sapphire for the GBA.

Rustboro City Gym and Stone Badge Walkthrough

Getting There: This gym is easy to find, if you miss it then you need to play your game with your eyes open, not closed.

The Trainers:

Youngster Josh: L10 Geodude, L8 Geodude, L6 Geodude.
Youngster Tommy: L11 Geodude.
Gym Leader Roxanne: L14 Geodude, L15 Nosepass.
A Grass or Water Pokemon, like Treecko or Mudkip, will stomp on everything in this gym.

Dewford Town Gym and Knuckle Badge Walkthrough

Getting There: To get to Dewford Town, get the Pokemon for Mr. Briney, take care of the Devon Goods, then head to Mr. Briney's beach house and sail south to Dewford Town.

The Trainers:

Battle Girl Laura: L14 Meditite.
Black Belt Hideki: L14 Machop.
Battle Girl Tessa: L12 Meditite, L12 Meditite, L12 Machop.
Gym Leader Brawly: L17 Machop, L18 Makuhita.
Mudkip's Earth Slap can take out the Meditites easily. For Machop, a Flying or Psychic Pokemon, like Wingull, will knock him out.

Maulville City Gym and Dynamo Badge Walkthrough

Getting There: Maulville's Pokemon Gym is easy to get to.

The Trainers:

Guitarist Kirk: L18 Electrike, L18 Magnemite.
Youngster Ben: L19 Zigzagoon.
Guitarist Shawn: L17 Voltorb, L17 Voltorb, L17 Voltorb.
Battle Girl Vivian: L19 Meditite.
Gym Leader Wattson: L22 Magnemite, L20 Voltorb, L23 Magneton.
Use a Flying Pokemon, like Wingull, on Meditite and a Ground Pokemon, like a Geodude, on everything else and you'll do fine. But! Don't use Mudkip cuz he's a Water Pokemon and will get blasted by the Electric attacks.

Lavaridge Town Gym and Heat Badge Walkthrough

Getting There: This Gym is easy to get to as well.
The Trainers:
Kindler Cole: L22 Slugma, L22 Slugma, L23 Numel.
Cool Trainer Zane: L24 Kecleon.
Kindler Axle: L23 Numel, L23 Slugma.
Battle Girl Sadie: L24 Meditite.
Kindler Andy: L23 Slugma, L23 Numel.
Gym Leader Flannery: L26 Slugma, L26 Slugma, L28 Torkoal.
Beat Meditite with a Flying Pokemon and use Mudkip, or another Water Pokemon, on the rest of the gym.

  • Click Here for the last four Pokemon Gyms.
  • Any questions? !

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