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Ditch That Jock Itch

Dec 27, 2006

Jock Itch is caused by a type of fungus that lives on your skin. If that sounds disgusting, imagine what it feels like. A bad case will have you grabbing yourself all day - so here's some ways to DITCH THAT JOCK ITCH!

1. Jock itch is caused when you get lots of sweat and moisture around your nuts. So make sure you keep that area dry after exercising, showering or swimming.

2. And as for that old jock strap you've been wearing for the past 6 months - try washing it. A dirty, sweaty jock is an easy breeding ground for jock itch fungus.

3. Avoid sharing towels. Even if it's your best friend - tell him to get his own towel.

4. Make sure your gym clothes fit properly and don't rub against the inside of your thigh.

5. If you think you got some jock itch coming on, dab the area with cornstarch or drying powder from the drug store. If you've got something more serious talk to your doctor - they can give you a prescription for a stronger medication.

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