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The Simpsons Bye Bye Nerdie

Apr 15, 2016

Airdate: 3-11-2001

Early morning at the Simpson household has Homer & kids watching an ad for Itchy & Scratchy's new Stabby-Oh's cereal. Marge freaks cuz they're kids are going to be late for school, throws them into the car and races like mad to catch Otto. Arriving in the nick of time the kids meet the new red-headed girl, Francine. Lisa tries to say hello and Francine gives her a black eye.

A baby safety expert visits Marge & Homer and tries to sell them a safety plan. Homer gives her the boot but is bitten by the safety baby bug. He starts making Springfield super-safe for babies. Nailing cushions all over the house Homer slips up and ends up nailed to the wall when Maggie gets her hands on the nailgun. Moving on to do baby safety on the rest of town Homer quickly makes the news, not as a baby saver, but as a business wrecker. The safe babies don't get hurt so get well card factories and band-aid stores go out of business.

Lisa tries to make friends with Francine again and gets stuffed into a locker. Lisa can't figure out why she's getting thumped so she checks the school surveillance tapes and has an idea.

Getting sweat samples from a couple of nerds she tests to see if bullies can smell nerds. They can! Lisa takes her new discovery to a science fair and shows everybody that nerds get picked on because of how they smell. All the geeky scientists are amazed by Lisa's discovery and she wins the grand prize. Then it's every nerd for himself as Francine smells nerd and goes berserk.

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