Harajuku, a suburb in Tokyo, Japan, is known as Tokyo's teenager town, a shopping and entertainment district geared toward Japan's most fashionable youth. From this trendy mecca has emerged a Japanese street style that ranges from cute and funky to outrageous and bizarre.
Harajuku - The Clothes
Innovative Japanese teens have blended different styles to create the Harajuku look. A fashionable mix of Japanese cute (
manga), American cool (
hip hop) and British rebellion (punk and goth) come together to create Loligoth (Lolita Goth). Japanese rock bands play the greatest influence on Harajuku teens, who don't define themselves as
goth, but are having fun with
cosplay (
costume play), which is dressing up like
J-rock stars. There are no rules in Harajuku style; the look is achieved by wearing anything alternative, unusual and
anti-mainstream that makes them stand out and look like stars for a day - or two.
Harajuku - The Hairstyle
One of the first things you'll notice about Harajuku style is the hair - it's
wildy colorful and seems to
defy gravity! From scarlett red to electric blue, they
dye their hair or wear
shocking wigs to complete their look. These eye-catching 'dos are inspired by anime and manga, where
hairstyles and clothing are distinctive features of the characters.
Harajuku - The Make-Up
Anime and manga characters influence not only hairstyle, but also make-up. Although some Harajuku teens don't wear much
make-up, others go to extremes:
porcelain white faces, intensely lined eyes and
plucked eyebrows. This anime make-up style completely masks the face so that a teen may be
unrecognizable if he or she went au naturale!
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