East meets West in this anime series based on Xiaolin, an ancient Chinese martial arts. In Xiaolin Showdown, four warriors unite to find and protect the Shen Gong Wu, sacred artifacts with supernatural powers that control the powers of good and evil. These objects can only be captured after an extreme "Double Dare" showdown occurs between the good and bad characters.
Xiaolin Showdown - Main Characters
- Omi - Omi is a Xiaolin monk-in-training who leads the warriors to collect the Shen Gong Wu. He represents the element of water - he's like a tranquil pond that can quickly turn into a tsunami.
- Kimiko Toho - This ultra-hip Japanese chick possesses the element of fire, which is why she's prone to explosive outbursts.
- Raimundo Pedrosa - Raimundo is a street smart Brazilian circus star. He represents the wind element, and his special technique is the Typhoon Boom.
- Clay Bailey - This kung fu-fighting Texan cowboy possesses the element of earth. He's never in a hurry, and uses a slow and steady style to fight off the enemies.
- Master Fung - Master Fung is Omi's teacher. He's a mentor to the Xiaolin team, and guides them in their travels.
- Dojo Kanojo Cho - Dojo is a 40-foot long fire-breathing dragon who guards the Xiaolin Temple. He takes the warriors around to locate the Shen Gong Wu.
- Jack Spicer - This goth-dressing bad guy wants to rule the world, but needs to find the Shen Gong Wu first. He challenges the warriors to Xiaolin Showdowns with the help of his robot army.
- Wuya - Wuya was an evil witch who lost the first Xiaolin Showdown and was imprisoned in a Chinese puzzle box for a thousand years. Now, she's an evil spirit who needs the Shen Gong Wu to return to her physical form.
Xiaolin Showdown - Fun Facts
- The first opponent to challenge the other to a Xiaolin Showdown gets to set the rules of the battle.
- A Xiaolin Showdown starts after saying, "Gong Yi Tan Pai," which means "go" in Chinese.
- There are over 40 Shen Gong Wu artifacts, including the Fist of Tebigong, a metal fist that packs a punch, and Changing Chopsticks, which shrinks the user to the size of a grain of rice.
- Tom Kenny, who is the voice of SpongeBob SquarePants, provides the voice of Raimundo, and Wayne Knight, who is probably best known for his role as Newman on Seinfeld, is the voice of Dojo.
- You can now play Xiaolin Showdown b-ball! The game is called Shen Gong Hoops, in which Omi tries to shoot past Jack while he's guarding.
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