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Quick and Healthy Lunch Ideas (pg. 2)

Aug 25, 2015


Of course, the idea of just eating veggies for lunch might not seem too appetizing, in which case it might be a good idea to go with a nice, old-fashioned sandwich. Since we're trying to keep things healthy, you can go ahead and put away the peanut butter and Fluff.

What You Need:

  • First things first - the bread. There are so many different kinds of breads nowadays, including multigrain, bran and even some made with honey, that there's absolutely no reason to go with white bread. White bread doesn't contain even a fraction of the minerals and vitamins you can find in other kinds of bread, so choose something that has some substance.
  • Next, you need to put something between those two slices of bread. If you're in the mood for a tasty meat sandwich, why not grab some light ham or low-fat turkey? Throw a couple of slices on there and add some light mayonnaise and mustard (mustard is naturally fat-free).
  • If you'd like something a little more exotic, how about a sandwich with fat-free cream cheese and sliced cucumbers? For a truly different taste sensation, you can't beat a strawberry-watercress sandwich (which is just sliced strawberries and watercress on bread with light margarine). Don't be afraid to experiment!

A balanced lunch will help you through the dayA balanced lunch will help you through the dayCourtesy of Glory's Mischief


This is a little bit easier. The most obvious quick desserts are fruits, such as bananas, apples and cherries. But there are also plenty of quick and easy (and not to mention healthy) alternatives that you can buy from your local supermarket. Low-fat yogurt, light pudding, JELL-O... there are even cakes that have zero fat in them now!

Fruit is a perfect dessert optionFruit is a perfect dessert option

For more quick and healthy lunch ideas, click here!

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