Sindy: Hey O'Ryan, how are you?
O'Ryan: I'm good, I'm good.
Sindy: Congratulations on the new album!
O'Ryan: Thank you, thank you.
Sindy: Are you excited?
O'Ryan: Yes, I'm very excited.
Sindy: How long did it take you to produce the album?
O'Ryan: Umm, about like two or three months.
Sindy: How was the production process for you?
O'Ryan: Umm, it's really like, you have to be focused. And the process is just like constant work, work, work, work, work, work. So you have to be really, really focused.
Sindy: And is this the first time you've done something like this?
O'Ryan: Yeah.
Sindy: So was singing something you've wanted to do for a long time?
O'Ryan: No. I actually wanted to play basketball more than anything.
Sindy: So what changed your mind?
O'Ryan: Ummm, my brother took me on tour with him during Scream Tour 2 and I just fell in love with the whole performance thing. I just loved it. I was like, man, this is what I have to do.
Sindy: What do you like better - performing or recording?
O'Ryan: Performing.
Sindy: What's it like having your brother in the same industry as you?
O'Ryan: It's crazy... It's weird.... It's fun, it's really, really fun. It makes it less work.