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The Secret Life of the Underwear Champ Book Review

Reviewed by on Dec 27, 2006
Rating: 4 Star Rating

Everyone knows what its like to be a regular kid who plays baseball, but hows it feel to be an underwear model?

Author: Betty Miles

Everyone knows what it's like to be a regular kid who goes to school and plays baseball, but how does it feel to be a kid who models underwear?

From Kid to Undies Model

Ten year-old Larry Pryor is waiting to catch the bus when two peeps approach him. He freaks out because he thinks they're going to kidnap him, but finds out they're talent scouts who have just chosen him to be in their next TV commercial! Larry's thrilled about the fame and fortune and can't wait to become a TV star - until he realizes he has to model underwear!

A Social Disaster

Larry thinks underwear is an unspoken subject - everyone wears it, but no one talks about it. Now that he has to model it on national TV, he's mortified to think what his friends will think! Larry tries hard to keep it a secret, but when he keeps missing baseball practices in order to film underwear commercials, he decides the truth has to come out, much to his embarrassment!

The Bottom Line

The best thing about The Secret Life of the Underwear Champ is that it teaches peeps a great lesson about peer pressure and how to deal with it. Sure, modeling underwear isn't the coolest thing for a 10 year-old kid, but as Larry learns, it's really not a big deal.

The Secret Life of an Underwear Champ Rating: 4

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