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Settling the Score on Motion Sickness

Dec 27, 2006

It's time to pack up the car and head out on one of those dreaded family vacations. You probably wouldn't mind 'em if you didn't feel so sick all the time - right? So have you ever wondered why cars, boats and airplanes cause such a ruckus in your stomach? Find out more about motion sickness right here!

Motion Sickness - What Is It?

So, you're all settled in the car with your fam for your yearly trip to the lake. You're not in the car very long before your stomach starts to feel kind of queasy and you're making mom or dad pull over so you can puke. So, what's up? Well, there are a few key body parts that help let your brain know what's going on with your bod.

  • Inner Ears - there's liquid in your inner ear that moves around to let you know when your bod is moving.
  • Eyes - your eyes take in your surroundings - if you're moving, chances are, your eyes are taking it all in.
  • Skin - your skin lets your brain know which parts of your body are still on the ground.
  • Muscles - sensors in your muscles tell your brain which parts of your body are moving (ex. your joints, limbs, etc.).
  • Now, when your ears are telling your brain that you're moving, but your eyes are telling your brain that you're just staring at the back of a chair, it gets confused, causing you some discomfort.

    Motion Sickness - Symptoms

    How do you know if you're experiencing a bout of motion sickness? Well, you'll probably start to feel a bit dizzy, your stomach may begin to churn and you'll likely develop a headache. If the symptoms progress, you'll most likely have to vomit. If you're not in a position to stop the movement, grab hold of a paper bag!

    Motion Sickness - Treatment

    There are a few things you can try if you're suddenly overcome with motion sickness. If you're in a position to stop the motion, (ex. have someone pull over the car, get off an amusement park ride, etc.) this may help you to feel a bit better. Eating crackers (saltines are the best) or ginger can often help to settle your stomach too.

    Motion Sickness - Prevention

    Some people find that sitting in the middle of an airplane, boat or car can help your body keep its inner balance. You'll probably also want to avoid things like reading, or watching videos as this often contributes to motion sickness. If you have to, talk to your doctor about the various motion sickness medications that are available. Acupressure works for some peeps too, which you can try out with something called motion sickness wrist bands. They're cool little bands with built in beads that apply pressure to the underside of your wrists and for some people, they completely relieve their motion sickness.

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