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Simon's Blog - May 25, 2004

Dec 27, 2006
May 25, 2004

Today went so slowly. Especially in math class. Everytime, I looked at the clock it looked like it was moving backwards. We spent the entire class going over crap like if X=4 and Y=6, what is Z? Who cares about flippin' Z? Our teachers spend hours trying to trying to teach us this stuff and zero time trying to teach us anything useful. If my teachers actually taught me stuff that mattered, I wouldn't be going to school for an extra week this summer. The only formula I know is school=sucks and summer=something that can't come soon enough.

Anyway, at least my science class was cool. Our teacher showed us how to dissect a frog. It was totally sick. You could see the frog's heart, stomach and everything. Ben was my partner and he went out of control. He picked up our cut-up frog and started running around the class making "Ribbit, Ribbit" sounds. Then he went up to this girl, Michelle, and shoved the frog in her face and asked her to kiss it. Ben will do anything sometimes to get attention. He's a freak show. Lots of people were laughing and screaming - it was super funny. Michelle started crying and our science teacher sent Ben to the principal's office.

I just want the school year to end, so I can get my week of summer school done with and get on with having fun. I'm hoping to head out to California again to visit Sindy. She's got a sweet summer job lined up and won't be going to summer school. That's what I need to find - a summer job so I can start makin' some cash. If anyone has any job ideas for me - .


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