September 23 - October 23You're weeks away from spending a little too much time with the fam for your liking, and that's putting you in a cranky mood. Chill out, it's not going to be that bad. Beg mom and dad to let you drag along a pal on your trip or just keep an eye out for cool peeps at whatever "exciting" destination the 'rents drag you to. If you look for fun, you'll find it.
October 24 - November 22Hey there insomniac, what's the problem? You haven't got a decent night's sleep since Avril Lavigne was cool. There's a major issue weighing on your mind and it's not just going to go away if you ignore it. Maybe it's time to talk to your BFF or even your mom about your worries? You'll be in sleepyland in no time flat.
November 23 - December 21You've been so content lately that you're starting to get a little, well, boring. Not that you're not a naturally dazzling person (cuz you totally are), but you've just been too content to sit around lately. Call up some old friends and make some plans that: a) involve getting out of your house and b) involve meeting new people (video game characters DO NOT count).
December 22 - January 20There are a ton of changes in your social circle this month - some friends are moving on, while old pals reappear. It's gonna be a bit intense and you might feel a little stressed by all the changes, but you'll settle into your new situation soon enough. In the mean time, have a Super Soaker fight (or two) to blow off some steam.
January 21 - February 19You have resolved to have this be the coolest summer vacation of your life and for that to happen you're going to need the right gear. That means that this month will be dedicated to finding the right summer clothes and accessories (sure, a new wakeboard counts as an accessory) to play the part. Just don't blow your whole summer budget before the summer even starts!
February 20 - March 20You've set your mind to making that hottie from school yours this summer. This requires bold action! Don't forget that since you won't sit beside each other in math all summer, you're actually going to have to ask your crush to hang out. Play it cool and just ask make some casual plans to hang with all your pals at the skatepark the when school ends. It'll all work out from there.
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