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Duel Masters Sempai Legends GBA Video Game Preview

Dec 27, 2006
Duel Masters is hitting North America in a million different ways. Wizards of the Coast is releasing the Duel Masters card game, Dreamwave Productions has the Duel Masters Comic Book, Cartoon Network is showing the Duel Masters animated cartoon and now Atari is bringing you the Duel Masters video game. Here's the 411, and a gallery of video game images and screenshots, from the game!

Duel Masters Sempai Legends Gameboy Advance Video Game

It's all about Kaijudo - the martial art of kicking butt with huge summoned monsters. In Sempai Legends you get to play as a Kohia (Junior Duelist) who's had a wicked card his grandfather gave him ripped off by a bunch of jerks. It's up to you to master the art of Kaijudo and battle enemies to get it back.

The game will have awesome action, cards from the first Duel Masters expansion - Evo-Crushinators of Doom, and it'll also teach you how to play so you don't get your butt kicked by some loser at a game store.

Here are a bunch of preview images of the Duel Masters Sempai Legends video game you can check out while you wait for it to drop on June 01, 2004:

Command the different forces in the Duel Masters Sempai Legends video game from Atari and card game from Wizards of the Coast!
Duel Masters Sempai Legends Video Game Images Courtesy of Atari

The Duel Masters Sempai Legends video game from Atari will teach you to duel like a Kaijudo expert!
Courtesy of Atari
Command huge summoned monsters with your Kaijudo skill and defeat your opponents in battle!
Courtesy of Atari
Duel against your friends with the Duel Masters Sempai Legends GBA video game from Atari.
Courtesy of Atari
Build your own deck from collectible cards including the first expansion - Evo-Crushinators of Doom!
Courtesy of Atari
Learn to play the Duel Masters card game from Wizards of the Coast and you could win prizes in tournaments!
Courtesy of Atari
With Duel Masters you can play the video game, watch the TV show, read the comics, collect the cards and more!
Courtesy of Atari

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