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Get the Goods on Goth Style (pg. 3)

Reviewed by on Dec 27, 2006
Rating: 1 Star Rating

Get all the tips and help you need to master the goth look. From make-up to hair to fashionable goth clothing, weve got what every teen needs to know. - Page 3

1 This is a good article, I have only one negative comment, this is not all "goth" - only one kind which would be punk! But to all the punk-goths out there, this is a great article.
Kidz Submit by:
Nickname: hyperkurai
Age: 16

1 Do you realize how pathetic you actually are? Trying to TEACH kids how to be a goth?! Goth isn't a fashion, it's a way of life, and it comes naturally, you don't just decide to turn Gothic overnight. Also, another thing, using Good Charlotte as an example of "goth fashion" wasn't a very wise choice. They are the biggest bunch of posers on the entire planet, trying to be something they're not. You people make me laugh - why don't you just let kids grow up to be themselves instead of trying to make them be something else? I mean, I'm not a goth, I'm what most people call hXc (for all you dumb people, hXc is a type of music called Hardcore: bands like Hatebreed, Stampin' Ground, Killswitch Engage are hXc.. if you know who they are), but I didn't just suddenley turn this way because of some pathetic article on a website informing me what to wear. Get a life.
Kidz Submit by:
Nickname: killswitch-engage
Age: 15

1 Tsk Tsk. This will go on forever. Marilyn Manson is a great, intelligent man, with great music. But, this is the thing that so little people understand. He is NOT GOTH. Let's not teach kids/teens that he is. Besides that, this page is pretty decent. As someone else said, if you're going goth, be original, don't copy the styles of others.
Kidz Submit by:
Nickname: saberwolf2255
Age: 14

1 Hey people at KW, you have a done a really good job on teaching the younger generation not to be afraid of us goths! There are just a few things though: I'll start from the top, with your comment on how the boys from Good Charlotte are Goth. Sorry dudes and dudettes, this isn't true! Good Charlotte are actually a Nu- Punk band, they wear the things they wear to present an air of rebellion about them. If you want to name a mainstream film or celebrity that has a Goth thing happening, then you should DEFINETLY watch Moulin Rouge. Goths aren't all about studs and black and white makeup, we are about art, literature and in a lot of cases, we are Pagan (not devil worshipping AT ALL) - the costumes and makeup from the film Moulin Rouge portray Goth culture quite well. My second point is aimed at "drawing stuff on your face." Whatever you do, don't go for the upside down cross on your forehead, you will be laughed at! Also, Goth didn't arrive with Sisters of Mercy, Acidalayde, if you want to pick a time when black was 'the in thing' look at Siouxie and the Banshees from the 80's, they thought they were punks but they would be now what people call Goths. In conclusion, when you have your Goth look the way you like it, please please please dont go around telling people your a vampire, and hissing at them in the street, it just annoys and gives a bad reputation to the rest of us. It's all about feeling beautiful!
P.S. I really want those patent leather platforms!!!
Kidz Submit by:
Nickname: Elysee
Age: 13

1 These are great tips... IF YOU ARE A POSER. You will be a great one if you follow these. Firstly its not going Goth or bieng Goth, it's Gothic. Secondly, Marilyn Manson is great but if you are going to be so called "Gothic," Good Charlotte is not the way to go - try Slipknot. Being a Goth is not just slapping on some black clothes and make-up one day and saying, "Okay now I am Gothic," it's about attitude and music. If you are Gothic you are Gothic. You don't decide to be a Goth because it looks cool, it's not supposed to be. DON'T FOLLOW FASHION OR TRENDS and do not care what people think. Don't go and cry cause someone laughs at you, suck it up, you wanted to wear it so deal. This is the stupidest thing ever. I could go on forever listing all the things wrong with it but I am too tired. Pathetic.
Kidz Submit by:
Nickname: kattmaggot06
Age: 15

1 Ok, you all pose really bad arguements. "Goth" is what you make it. But yes, you all have to admit that most "Goths" wear black and chains and boots, etc. It's just how we are. But yes, Goths CAN be preppy and wear pastels. Goth is about attidude and points of view on life. If you all think Goth is just one specific thing, I wouldn't go calling yourself it. I'm sorry, but in my point of view most of you are posers. This article made me mad... Argh. - Dancrchika55, if you don't like us, don't post ok?
- GenericName, I agree.
- Introvert, I see your point but your over-enthusiastic.
- GC is cool, HAHAH all I can say is: get a life.
- vampiric, As I said before, there are many types of Goth, so don't go baggin' the ones that aren't like you. - Farrand, very helpful, good point.
- Silver-Blood, you'll grow up one day.
Sorry if I offended anyone but everyone has their own style of goth, mine, for instance, is vampirism/witchcraft/horror/darkness/blood and well stuff.
Kidz Submit by:
Nickname: DeadVampireInside
Age: 15

1 Ok... sure there are a lotta Goth styles but the boots/black nail polish/ dye doesn't make you a Goth! Plus, you are either born Gothic or not. Or your life takes a horrible turn and you become one. Plus, Goths aren't all depressed. I am a Goth and I am hyper most of the time, if sugar is lying around. Lol. Plus, I have a question? Why do preps need to wear bright colors that cost $888?
Kidz Submit by:
Nickname: xXbloodchildXx
Age: 15

1 I'm sorry but Goth isn't something you want to go. It's something you are, something you feel and become. When you're asked when you become your version of a Goth, you can't answer, cus it's who you are. Slipknot 4ever can replay when I read an article. It just proves that the Goth thing isn't taken seriously. You shouldn't have to read about it, you should just do it. And it's not just all about black.
Kidz Submit by:
Nickname: individualrites
Age: 16

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