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The Snot Shot Toy Gun

Dec 27, 2006

You no longer need to stick your finger up your nose to fire globs of gooey snot at your friends. Get ready for the ultimate booger fight with the new Snot Shot!

Snot Fight? Snot a Problem!

Having a snot fight no longer means picking your nose and flicking nasty boogers at your friends. With the new Snot Shot, you can take booger battles to a whole new level by firing globs of gooey snot directly from a gun. The Snot Shot is a plastic gun that shoots gobs of slimy "snot" over 40 feet. Simply fill the snot gun with the a specially formulated snot goo, cock the trigger and shoot out a gob of slimy snot.

Snot Shot - Hot or Snot?

The Snot Shot is easier, cleaner and safer than picking your nose and flicking. Each Snot Shot kit comes with a snot gun, two snot refill containers filled with different colored snot pellets, and goggles to make sure no one gets hurt - because a snot fight is only fun until someone loses an eye.

The Snot Shot will be in your favorite toy stores in Spring 2004 and will cost around $4.99 US.

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