As the war against Iraq is underway, were asking what you think about the most recent conflict in the middle east. Should we be fighting a war? Are the United States, Britain, Spain and Portugal just in their crusade against Saddam Hussein? You decide! -
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Nickname: faeriequeen_91Age: 13
I don't like the thought of war because innocent people will die. But, innocent people are already dying because Saddam is evil and doesn't care about his people. Lots of people are saying they want humanity and love in the world, but
I think we're showing more humanity by helping people in need. Also, Saddam's army attacked the UK and US's army with missiles that he denied having. So, what other weapons is he pretending he hasn't got.
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Nickname: kirsty louiseAge: 13
I think faeriequeen_91 was right! I think the Iraqi's should pay back because of all the people who died in 9/11! I don't agree with confused 1988.
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Nickname: sweeten_56Age: 14
Shut-up faeriequeen_91! War is not going to help anyone. It's not showing our strength, but our stupidity. And what about the innocent people? War can't help it by accidently killing them. They are everywhere. They are just defending their country so that it won't turn out to be something that King Kong sat on. What about the people that got killed on September 11th? What would they do? I say send Bush to a mental hospital.
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Nickname: GoldenChaosAge: 17
Seriously folks. We have to go. The UN isn't responding. Plus, do you want them to kill us all?
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Nickname: reed373183Age: 10
I am all for this war. Saddam has treated his people like crap for too long.
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Nickname: alex0011Age: 14