As the war against Iraq is now underway, were asking what you think about the most recent conflict in the middle east. Should we be fighting a war? Are the United States, Britain, Spain and Portugal just in their crusade against Saddam Hussein? You decid
#2. When I said 30 countries, I meant to say three, but I accidentally put another 0 cuz I got mixed up with the first war. The three were the US, UK and Australia. Now they're four with Turkey. But since you say that we have the support of 30 countries, would you care to list them?
#3. What exactly do you mean by access to China, Pakistan and India? Read a history book and get back to me, cuz we have never had army bases in Afghanistan until recently. The only access we had was through embassies, which wasn't much help. Now we have military access. The US controls Afghanistan.
#4. You say we didn't take control of the oil? Please concentrate more when watching the news.
#5. The poor Israelis? Well, I can't blame you for thinking that cuz that's what our media makes it look like. But try to listen to the other side of the story, (a skill we as americans suck at,) by watching Middle East media and you wouldn't even be able to think "poor Israelis."
#6. You idiot! I meant the diseases as a result of the chemical weapons Bush Sr. used in the first Gulf War! The diseases and death now are a result of the same chemicals and their effects, not for any other reason. And your saying he is a good person? Well, naturally you'd think that since he was your President. But how old were you during his term? Two? Three? What did you know then? Plus, if he was such a "good person," why wasn't he re-elected?
#7. Yes, I respect our armed forces but that in no way justifies what is wrongly happening to the Iraqis as I type this. If they actually went to liberate them, then how come there have been over 3,000 casualties, as civilians? And now, with over 300,000 land troops, (they sent another 120,000,) isn't that just a little bit too much for ONE MAN?
Finally, an interesting piece of information. When Saddam attacked Iran, who asked him to? Surprise! The land of liberty, AMERICA. Who gave him the very weapons that they now accuse him of having? Oh yes, it was America. Not only that, but when he used his weapons back then, the US was the first nation to approve of it. It sent a private envoy to personally tell Saddam that the US approved. Who was this envoy? His name was Donald Rumsfeld, better known now as US Secretary of Defense. The same Rumsfeld that now calls Saddam a terrorist and war criminal. How ironic... just try hearing both sides of the story instead of just our media. Sometimes, I feel ashamed to be American when I see all that is happening because of us.
Kidz Submit by:
Nickname: confused1988Age: 15
Well, I don't like war but Bush gave Saddam a 48 hour chance but he refused. Plus, Saddam is a cruel person and he needs to be stopped. So, I think that Bush is doing the right thing even though I'm all for peace. There needs to be a war unless you want Saddam (devil on earth) to rule over the US then I think that we should do something because once he's got the US then he's got every other country on EARTH. So, we should do something or do we want an evil person ruling the earth? I think that we need war to save the other countries on the planet. So I KNOW that confused1988 is as wrong as can be and I can understand why your screen name is confused cuz apparently you are confused. I think that faeriequeen is right. No. I KNOW that faeriequeen is right!
Kidz Submit by:
Nickname: miranda128Age: 13
This is about the war issue. I totally agree that we need to go over there and get this madman out of power. I know war is bad and it is, but you need to know when to not do anything and to do something, and we need to do something. This guy isn't just going for the power over in Iraq. He is trying to get everything. And if we don't stop him, he possibly could do just that.
Kidz Submit by:
Nickname: Lioness_Queen5764Age: 14
The debate contines so head on over to the next page!