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Should You Have To Dissect? Feedback

Reviewed by on Dec 27, 2006
Rating: 1 Star Rating

High school dissection is a hotly debated science topic among high school students and teachers. Now its your turn to let us know what you think about having to dissect things like frogs, cats and other animals in the name of science.

Do you cringe when your science teacher tells you what animal you'll be dissecting this year? When the big day comes to cut apart that animal in the name of science do you suddenly come down with a fake illness or do you arrive early to class? Is dissection just another cool part of your biology class? Here's what Kidzworld members had to say.

1 I wrote a 10 page paper on how dissection is wrong for my 9th grade English class. I learned a lot about how dissection is used in the classroom, where the animals come from, and how everything effects the environment. There are also studies shown that people who like to abuse animals like this, are more likely to commit domestic violence. I learned SO MUCH about how dissection is wrong.

Also, I'd like to say that anyone who things dissecting will help them in the medical field and college, I would like to tell them that MOST ivy league schools are AGAINST animal dissection and dissecting in class WILL NOT prepare you for what you will have in college. Trust me, I researched forever on it! Also, studies show that alternatives DO work as well, or better. Also, it's fetal pig not baby pig because the pigs were not actually born, it's like abortion. The facts are horrendous, the myths aren't true! Did you know that biological supply companies inject burning formaldehyde into still living animals like dogs and cats. Also, a PETA investigator found that employees of biological supply companies play inhumane and gross "games" with the animals to torture them before they are killed. I'm out!

Kidz Submit by:

Nickname: illusen
Age: 15

1 I totally agree with Lil Gavilana. We are animals too, did you know that?I personally wouldn't want to be killed just for the purpose of science. The only thing I have dissected is owl pellets and I prefer it like that.

Kidz Submit by:

Nickname: Lexi2007
Age: 14

1 Ok, animals.... they are turd eating, puke tasting, bug-eyed little things that were put here to eat, or to learn from. They do not have feelings just like humans do. They live until they die. I doubt they REALLY CARE about dying. Are you sure you're not a PETA agent!?

Kidz Submit by:

Nickname: The_Crusher191919
Age: 14

1 I, too, agree with Lil Gavilana (whose name is scarily similar to that of a friend of mine). To ask EVERYONE to dissect animals, I think, is asking a little bit much. People ARE capable of learning without actually taking apart the creature. That could potentially offend some people, like vegetarians, and some people may not, because of their religions, etc., be able to do it (i.e. Jews dissecting pigs). Now, I KNOW the animals aren't always killed FOR the class, but still, it bothers some people. Including me. If the class made it very, very clear in the synopsis that there would be dissection involved AND provided it were an elective class, I would agree that it's perfectly acceptable to have everyone in the class dissect the animal. However, at schools such as mine, in which you must take biology to graduate and all the biology classes dissect something, be it a cat or a fetal pig, it just seems a bit fairer to offer an alternative, or at least to allow people who are self-advocates and REQUEST an alternative to be able to do something else.

Kidz Submit by:

Nickname: ChaosFortuna
Age: 16

1 I think dissection should be stopped. Criminology studies actually have shown that most criminals have had a past of torturing animals (I did a project on dissection, thats how I know this)! For example, Jeffrey Dalmer (a sicko who cut up people and hid them in his fridge) said he first became fascinated with blood and guts when he first dissection a frog for biology class. Dissection is pretty much telling us it's okay to cut up animals, and it's not like there aren't any options. We have models and computer programs that give hands on experience, and save thousands of dollars, not to mention thousands of lives. Science class shouldn't be a funeral, and a reverence for life should be more important then following the rules of a "traditional" science class.

Kidz Submit by:

Nickname: punkrok_fairy
Age: 14

What do you think? Should you have the option to skip dissecting an animal in science class or should everyone have to take part? Drop us a line with your thoughts.

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