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Pledge of Allegiance Feedback - Page 7

Jan 14, 2019

Last week we wrote about the court case that was filed in California about the words "under God" in the Pledge of Allegiance. Tons of Kidzworld members sent us their thoughts on this controversial case. Take a look at what Kidzworld members have to say:

OK. A lot of you people are complete idiots. It is not just "Under God" that makes some of us not stand nor say the pledge. Have you seen our government lately? It SUCKS. The "President," if you can call him that, cheated his way through everything, and then went AWOL. Is THAT what you want to pledge allegiance to? Get it through your head, chances are there is no such thing as God. Religion was an idea invented by some guy who was probably on drugs around 5 A.D. No wait, the Illiod was around long before that. People, you need to research things more carefully. If you believe in the Christian God, prove that this guy exists, that he's actually a guy, that there's a Heaven and Hell, that he wasn't married, he didn't sleep with anyone (which happens a lot in the bible), and if so, he wasn't gay and he wasn't black, which is highly likely considering this is the Middle East, etc. Besides, have any of you people read the bible lately? It contradicts itself so horribly. No offense to the people that weren't so rough with everybody, well I was really rough on Christianity, but that's because I like it less.

Kidz Submit by:

Nickname: liberaldude
Age: 13

I don't think the phrase "Under God" should be in the pledge, because I have to say the pledge daily and some people might not believe in God. When people don't say it the teacher says it disrespects the country to not say it. I believe in God but some people might not.

Kidz Submit by:

Nickname: dancer0260
Age: 13

I think that the Pledge of Allegiance should remain the same as it is. Why change it when it has been around for a while?

Kidz Submit by:

Nickname: smilecuz_06
Age: 15

It shouldn't matter if we say "under God" because it was only put in there in 1954 and only so we could be totaly different than Russia!

Kidz Submit by:

Nickname: lizardrulez
Age: 13

Is there a problem in pledging allegiance to God? Maybe to some of you, but not to me! And are some of you people so shallow that you don't think that we should RESPECT Aethiests just because they are a minority? Sure, let's just take all the right away from Blacks and Hispanics! (no offense intended) GET REAL!!!

Kidz Submit by:

Nickname: andrewf10872
Age: 13

For even more Pledge of Allegiance debating, click here!


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