Cant think of anything to get your guy this holiday season? Then check out Kidzworlds Christmas gift ideas for your boyfriend. Anything from a CD to a snowboard would be perfect to wrap beneath the tree this year! - Page 3
Kidz Submit by:
Nickname: Sweetie-pie91
Age: 15
Hey, I need help! This isn't for my boyfriend, but I'm trying to find something to buy my cousin who is 15 years old. He's a guy and he lives in Canada. He's kind of a goody good. Please post back!
Kidz Submit by:
Nickname: laphydaphy6769
Age: 14
This message is directed mainly toward Curiously_Qualm - You talk about guys being "macho-egotistical-selfish-jerk-wannabes" because maybe on Christmas they would want something from their girlfriend. Does that make them a jerk? No. I don't think so. If you would like to label a certain gender, why don't you label both cuz girls do the exact same. You say because a guy can sweet talk a girl by saying, "All I want is you," then he must be playing you. Are you speaking from past experience or have you really truly never met someone who can treat you like a real person? You talk about love as if you know what it means. If you loved someone you wouldn't make such a big deal out of getting your loved one something for Christmas. If it is such a hassle for you, then don't bother voicing your long and utterly boring pessimistic opinion about life or guys in general.
Kidz Submit by:
Nickname: KrazedChick
Age: 16
Hey ya'll! Some of those gurls made good pionts but ya gotta think some of them are lil' richy gurls too. Some can afford it, lol. I know I can't - must be nice though. I'm simply gettin' my man a b-ball, card, and probably his fave cologne - cuz when I asked what he wanted, he said "All I need and want is you." Isn't that sweet? Lol. He's the bestest:) Happy Holidays!!!
Kidz Submit by:
Nickname: hotttietottie15
Age: 15
Oh boy! You kids are absolutely crazy for giving your boyfriends gifts that are that much money. Honestly, how many times do people have to post this on here?! Me and my boyfriend have been dating for a year now and no matter what I do for him he loves me no matter what. If your boyfriends really loved you, then they wouldn't care about some stupid $700 gift! It's not worth it. Thank God I DON'T have to BUY my boyfriend's love like you kids are trying to do. Grow up! My God, it's not that hard to realize. I wasn't even that stupid at 13, 14, 15. Jeez.
Kidz Submit by:
Nickname: LoveMeNow21
Age: 15
Alright, I dunno what to do. My boyfriend and I have only been going out for a little over a month. My friends tell me he's getting me something really nice and really expensive. I dunno how to measure up. I've only got like 40 dollars in my wallet! He's 17 and has two jobs, so I'm not surprised he's got money to spend. And I've told him I don't want anything, or at least not something real pricey. All you girls spending even 100 dollars on your guys are crazy. You're not going to remember them in five years. I don't want to seem cheap and I don't want to make something. I'm stuck. I like him so much, and I'll feel awful if I don't get something he likes, or is good enough. (I know he'll still like me, but still, I want to get him something nice). Suggestions?
Kidz Submit by:
Nickname: **bAbyGiRl**
Age: 14
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