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Dear Dish-It, Do You Think She Likes Me?

Dec 27, 2006

Dear Dish-It

Dear Dish-It,

I really like this girl so I asked her out to the Halloween dance. She said no. I asked for one dance and she said yes but it meant nothing. So, since then, she hasn't talked to me but people say she likes me because she is ALWAYS staring at me. What do you guys think?

Dear ElvinKirbyb,

Sometimes it's hard to know whether someone is interested in you or not because they are too afraid to let you know exactly how they feel. In your case, this girl you are crushing on turned down your invitation to the dance and has since avoided talking to you at all. While she may just be playing hard to get, I think your chances of getting together with this girl are pretty slim. You could talk to her friends and find out if they know how she feels about you - but I would avoid asking her out too many times. If she is interested, she knows where to find you.

So, ya gotta burnin' question? Need some love directions? Thinkin' 'bout stuff like depression, sex,how ya feel 'bout YOURSELF (that's called "self-esteem"), boyfriends, girlfriends, losin' old friends, bullyin' or peer pressure, but too scared to ask the parents? Don't be scared to .

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