Cant think of anything to get your guy this holiday season? Then check out Kidzworlds Christmas gift ideas for your boyfriend. Anything from a CD to a snowboard would be perfect to wrap beneath the tree this year! - Page 1
Kidz Submit by:
Nickname: hdaisy11
Age: 14
I think those socks look totally dorky. No offense to whoever likes those monstrasities but even the captain of the misfits club wouldn't wear those.
Kidz Submit by:
Nickname: Rainbow_Angel82
Age: 10
I bought my man a $400 board and I got him a $100 gift certificate at Copeland Sports!
Kidz Submit by:
Nickname: Hottiegirl18
Age: 13
I just want to say as if you would spend soo much on your boyfriend!!! Has your boyfriend given you something really expensive?
Kidz Submit by:
Nickname: danni_rox101
Age: 13
You know, not everyone can afford to give their boyfriends those things, and not all guys are macho-egotistical-selfish-jerk-wannabes who are interested in those items. Some guys are thoughtful enough to know some girls can't afford to give them things. Some guys don't need anything, and some guys tell us girls that all they need is us. I don't see why you would spend $700 on a gift card on a guy that's probably playing you like a game of basketball, but I'm sure you have your reasons. I think this is the worst article I've ever read. If you REALLY loved your boyfriend, you wouldn't hound him on his style, you would love him no matter what he wore or how he looked. You know what? MY BOYFRIEND WOULD LOVE ME EVEN IF I GAVE HIM A FRILLY TEDDY BEAR. In fact, I have given him a teddy bear, because it is a cute inside joke between us. You know what? HE LOVED IT BECAUSE HE LOVES ME. So there. Take your video-game-playing-snowboarding-sock-wearing- fingerboarding-poser-punk-boyfriend and buy him all that junk, and we'll see who is laughing when he dumps you next week. By the way, Rainbow_Angel82 is right...those socks are ugly. I would shoot myself before giving those things away.
Kidz Submit by:
Nickname: Curiously_Qualm
Age: 15
I think you little 13, 14, 15 year-old girls are COMPLETE LIARS about your x-mas gifts! What 13,14, 15 year-old can really afford a $700 gift certificate, or $500? GET A LIFE!
Kidz Submit by:
Nickname: PoisonxMyxWell
Age: 16
Click here to find out what other Kidzworld members are gettin' their guys this Christmas!
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