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The Rundown Movie Review

Reviewed by on Dec 27, 2006
Rating: 4 Star Rating

The Rock stars in The Rundown, an action movie with Seann William Scott, Rosario Dawson and Christopher Walken. Kidzworld reviews this action movie here!

The Rundown is a rockin' action movie starring The Rock as Beck, a professional butt kicker for hire. The Rundown is about Beck paying off a debt to a mob boss by dragging his loudmouthed son, Travis (Seann William Scott) out of a jungle slave mine ruled by the evil Hatcher. Along the way Beck has to deal with monkeys, cows, a tribe of Tarzan wannabes and the beautiful Mariana (Rosario Dawson).

The Rundown - Good Stuff

The Rundown is packed with awesome action scenes, including some of the wildest fights you'll ever see. The tunes in The Rundown even match the action perfectly to really make it rock the theater. The coolest part about The Rundown is definitely the characters, though. The Rock is awesome as Beck, whether he's kicking butt or just goofin' around, this dude has superstar written all over him. Seann William Scott plays a perfect pain in the butt sidekick, Rosario Dawson is great and Christopher Walken (as Hatcher) is still the creepiest villain on earth.

The Rundown - Bad Stuff

If you're looking for a mountain of bad news, you're not going to get it from The Rundown. The biggest problem is that the movie, The Rundown, flips back and forth between a totally evil vibe with Hatcher and a totally goofy vibe with The Rock and Seann William Scott. The jumping from monkey wrestling and pee jokes to serious evil is a bit hard to take.

The Rundown - Bottom Line

Go see this movie right now, before all your cool friends see it without you. It won't win an Oscar but it's an awesome flick that's full of action, comedy and cows, a whole lot of cows.

The Rundown Rating: 4

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