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Beyblade Breakdown - Kidz Speak Up! (pg. 6)

Reviewed by on Dec 27, 2006
Rating: 1 Star Rating

Let it Rip with Beyblade! Get the 411 on Beyblade the game, Bey Blade the show and how to prove youre the ultimate Beyblader by entering the Beyblade Battle Association! - Page 7

Beyblade blasted into North America in 2002 and Kidzworld's here to bring you all the latest and greatest news on this hot spinning-top game. Gary's got news on the video games and more, but Kidzworld Kidz are shouting out and letting everyone hear what you want to say! Check out what some peeps are saying about Beyblade!

1I've got 7 Beyblades, my favorite is Dranzer F. My team is called the Blade Destroyers, we haven't lost a match yet and we don't plan to.

Kidz Submit by:

Nickname: Dranzer F
Age: 13
Rating: 5

1This is da best.

Kidz Submit by:

Nickname: beybladertyson
Age: 14
Rating: 5

1I am the chief(wise kid) of my team and we will smash everyone that challenges us.

Kidz Submit by:

Nickname: helmo
Age: 14
Rating: 5

1My beyblade team, the Bladeraiders, is the best team in the neighborhood! I have a Flash Leopard, Taite has a Draciel and Justin has a Grifollyon 1.

Kidz Submit by:

Nickname: Kaizer
Age: 10
Rating: 5

1Hey Gary,
It's Kaizer again and I have some Beyblade tactics I'd like to share:

  • First, I have found that it is easier to hold the left spin launchers upside down then twist your wrist and then launch.
  • Second, train in dirt. That helps make it spin faster.
    Well, that's all for now, my Mom is calling me.

    Kidz Submit by:

    Nickname: Kaizer
    Age: 10
    Rating: 5

    1Beyblade Beyblade rocks! We are the Bladecrushers from Iceland we are the town champs there are four blades in our team their names are Dragoon Storm, Dranzer V RCblade, Dranzer F and Dragoon Phantom.

    Kidz Submit by:

    Nickname: 965jojo
    Age: 12
    Rating: 3

    1Ok ok, look, I've played Beyblade so long you'd be old... Syc, but I've played since it first came out and the Blade Dystryers cant beat the Bladeraiders.

    Kidz Submit by:

    Nickname: TAKAO99
    Age: 14
    Rating: 5

    1OK listen, my team is THE BEST EVER OK? So don't come knockin on my door for a battle!

    Kidz Submit by:

    Age: 13
    Rating: 5

    1No offence but you guys get on my nerves. Foreign parts are are the way to win. You know, like Japan. Also, tell me about competitions.

    Kidz Submit by:

    Nickname: animewizkid
    Age: 15
    Rating: 5

    1Beyblades are totally awesome! I have too manny to count and every 1 of them is really cool! I am trying to get a team together and I would always want to meet anybody that could put on a good chalenge.

    I got my friends to be on my team we are called de Dark Angel's. We are not official but were all still cool! We have on our team a combination of a Dranzer and Galeon= Ganzer, that's my Beyblade. Beyblade 2 in command is a is a Gallzly + Bearing Stinger=Gearing. My friend's number 3 is a Galman+Draciel Fortress=Gacile, that's my cousin's. And, finally a Wolborg+DranzerF=Dolzer. That's my team. My beyblade is unbeatable to any beyblade I have made up!

    Kidz Submit by:

    Nickname: Ganzer
    Age: 11
    Rating: 5

    1I want to start a team. I think I will call the team the sheaders.

    Kidz Submit by:

    Nickname: animewizkid
    Age: 15
    Rating: 5

    1I'm a good Beyblader and have never lost a match. Hey, if u live in Washington DC and wanna battle or sponsor me in Beyblade I'm ready.

    Kidz Submit by:

    Nickname: Dranzer_BX
    Age: 14
    Rating: 5

    1I hate Beyblade, it is just a stuiped little show for like preschoolers. Whoever watches it is so immature.

    Kidz Submit by:

    Nickname: (CASEY)*
    Age: 9
    Rating: 1

    1Beyblade is the best show. I've got 6 blades. I beat my bro every day.

    Kidz Submit by:

    Nickname: inuyasha59962
    Age: 11
    Rating: 5

    1Talk to me about Beyblades anyone, I have the ultimate beyblade ever.

    Kidz Submit by:

    Nickname: yugi the great
    Age: 14
    Rating: 4

    1Yo! Any team out there that wants a piece of the U.S.A. Blade Slaughterers, we're ready! Or, are you to scared?

    Kidz Submit by:

    Nickname: jakejammer777
    Age: 14
    Rating: 5

    1It's sad that u people think u know every thing about beyblade. Heh.. I am 12. I have around 20 beyblades. Among them are: Driger F, Driger V, Driger V2, Flash Leopard, Draciel F, Draciel V draciel V2, Dragoon F, Dragoon S, Dragoon V2, Trypio, Cyber Dragoon, Master Driger, Dranzer S, and many more. I'm sure I could take probably any of you!


    Kidz Submit by:

    Nickname: PyroChaos
    Age: 14
    Rating: 4

    1I've got Kai Blade. As I was saying, beyblading is in my blood... I push my skill. So I will be the best! I will take anybody on. I am undefeated, I will battle any one no matter if they use metal. I'm a great blader, soon I will have a metal bey blade so watch out!

    Kidz Submit by:

    Nickname: Kai Rocks
    Age: 9
    Rating: 5

    1I'm the best Beyblader ever, I have DragoonF I can beat DragoonG. If you want to battle me go to Atlanta. I can destroy everybody's Beyblades.

    Kidz Submit by:

    Nickname: dragoonf
    Age: 14
    Rating: 3

    1Beyblading isn't just a game,it's a destiny. I know my destiny is to become the champ. My Beyblades are undefeated.

    Kidz Submit by:

    Nickname: Dragoon Master_7000
    Age: 10
    Rating: 5

    1Beyblades rule! I'm always lookin 4 more people to b on my team and a challenge oh and b4 I 4get, drigger rules!! =)

    Kidz Submit by:

    Nickname: superstrikex
    Age: 15
    Rating: 5

    1My team is da best, if anyone wants to face us. FYI - one member has siber dragoon.

    Kidz Submit by:

    Nickname: the own with the blade
    Age: 12
    Rating: 5

    1I've been watching Beyblade on T.V. here in the UK but found only 3 channels that actually show it. Is it just me? The channels so far are: TOONAMI, CARTOON NETWORK and NGA(no girls allowed on five on sat). Why is England so behind? If anyone has any ideas about other channels please tell me. Beyblade fan fie!!!!!

    Kidz Submit by:

    Nickname: fie bablader of bix
    Age: 13
    Rating: 4

    1My team is the best and will destroy anyone in our way. We are the bladesharks and we are invincible, no one will ever beat us.

    Kidz Submit by:

    Nickname: hitomygoty
    Age: 16
    Rating: 5

    1Let me tell yall about my team, the Falcons. I have a Black Dranzer, Dragoon G and a Cyber Driger from eBay. I am the leader of the team. The president is my friend, he has a Dranser S, a Cyber Draciel and a Trigle. The co-president is my friend zack and he has a Mecknedo and a Tripo. The chief of our team is my bro Aaron, he has the Cyber Dranzer and Dranzer F so any 1 that wants to be beat come 2 South Carolina. We have never lost, we all have spring action shooter, and we've been in 12 tournaments and only lost two of them so come on and try 2 beat me and my team.

    Kidz Submit by:

    Nickname: patrik-ar
    Age: 14
    Rating: 4

    1Hey, Sup. Me and my team, the X Bladers, whoop butt. We have been in 23 tourneys in 1 year. I am the co-president and wise kid of our team kdarrie. I have Rock Bison And Dranzer-S.
    My friend Zack is the president and he has Griffon 1. My friend patrick is the leader, he has Cyber Driger and a Rock Bison mixed with Dranzer-S. If you want to get beat come challenge us.

    Kidz Submit by:

    Nickname: SexyK2004-2009
    Age: 14
    Rating: 5

    1I have the best blade ever, my blade is Master Dranzer and will smash anyone's blade! I have never been beaten cause I have Master Dranzer.

    Kidz Submit by:

    Nickname: firemon102
    Age: 9
    Rating: 4

    1Let me tell u all, I'm not going to say im the best but I am good I'm a Seaborg 1 blader. Where I come from, I'm one of the best if any one got a prob come to me.

    Kidz Submit by:

    Nickname: tank_blader
    Age: 14
    Rating: 5

    1I'm a blader and I have a Dark Effigy so you better watch out.

    Kidz Submit by:

    Nickname: Dragoon53
    Age: 10
    Rating: 5

    1Beyblade is crap. Really. THEY ARE SPINNING TOPS THAT ARE SOLD FOR HIGHER PRICES! You are all stupid.

    Kidz Submit by:

    Nickname: WeeblPie
    Age: 13
    Rating: 1

    1I'm a blader with wicked skills! If you think not, well... (laughing) you're thinking wrong!

    Kidz Submit by:

    Nickname: Manchopeyz
    Age: 10
    Rating: 5

    1Hey, I am Kiran and have the best Beyblade. I'll prove it if you meet me. My Bitbeast is Flarnex, one of the best and sacred Bitbeasts eer. I use the body of Master Dranzer and have a certain style. If you get to buy it, you will be powerful. I won't tell you how I got that Bitbeast because you won't believe it.

    Kidz Submit by:

    Nickname: Mgames
    Age: 10
    Rating: 5

    1If you're in AZ and looking for a battle I can arrange that. I am an awesome blader. My team consists of two members, I have tons of blades and my teammate Corey has a Polta and is an awesome blader too. We need some more members but we're called the Blitz Boys and we need new members so if you are in AZ and looking for a challenge or a team come to me.

    Kidz Submit by:

    Nickname: Shatter93
    Age: 13
    Rating: 5

    1At my school we get to have little Beybattles after school without getting in trouble! I always rely on my Midnight Fox!

    Kidz Submit by:

    Nickname: Tia Uchiha
    Age: 10
    Rating: 5

    1Are bit-beasts emotional with their masters?

    Kidz Submit by:

    Age: 12
    Rating: 5

    Agree? Disagree? Just want to make some noise? to add your own comments about Beyblade, or anything else you want to shout out about!

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