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Dinosaurs Ate My Homework Book Review

Reviewed by on Dec 27, 2006
Rating: 4 Star Rating

150 million years till recess. The Wetherford kids are stuck in time in dinosaur bodies with dangers everywhere. Sound like an awesome book? Check the review:

Author: Scott Ciencin

Ever think about how every little thing you do affects the future? Read this book and you will. Dinosaurs Ate My Homework is the sixth book in the Dinoverse series and the Wetherford kids are in big trouble. They're trapped in the Jurassic era in dino bodies, desperately trying to escape a volcano, return to their own time and just plain survive.

Mind Machine

Scott Ciencin's latest Dinoverse story picks up where the last book left off. The kids are struggling to survive, JD is scheming and fighting to control everybody and the time-traveling MIND machine is in really sorry shape. There's plenty of action and intrigue as hungry carnivores, erupting volcanoes and scheming bullies make it tough to be a dinosaur.


The best part of this book is Claire. One day she's the delicate beauty of Wetherford High and hates it. The next day she's a monstrous Tyrannosaurus Rex and loves it. She takes on the T-Rex attitude like no one's business and pretends to be someone else so she isn't treated like she's fragile. It's her chance to try all kinds of new things and it's awesome to see a girl kick some serious butt.

Time Portals

Mysterious time portals begin to appear and show the kids how different the world could be if things were to change just a little bit in the Jurassic period. Seeing how things might turn out is a bizarre glimpse of the future. It's like looking at history through a magnifying glass and seeing how important everything you do is. Very cool and very true.

The Bottom Line

The writing is a little rough in spots but the story is good, the action is all over the place and the dinosaurs rock. Dinosaurs Ate My Homework is a fun read that'll make you think without straining your brain.

Rating: 4

If you're looking to tell your own dinosaur story, let's

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