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The Girl Throw - Throwing Like a Girl

Dec 27, 2006

"Hey, you throw like a girl!" Ever heard that on the field while playing ball with your friends? If you have, it means your throw kinda sucks.

The Girl Throw - What Is It?

The "girl throw" is that gimpy throwing style a lot of girls seem to have where it looks like they're almost "pushing" rather than hurling the ball. So what's the deal with the "girl throw?" Well, before going any further - let's get one thing straight. GIRLS CAN THROW. And many can throw harder and faster than a lot of guys. Softball players like Jennie Finch can chuck a ball close to 90 miles per hour. But many other girls still seem to throw really weird.

Many people think the reason for the "girl throw" is that guys and girls are somehow born with different kinds of arms and shoulders. Sure, there are a lot of physical differences between guys and girls (you've probably noticed) but the arm joint isn't one of them.

So what's the real reason. Well, it comes down to "practice makes perfect." Most boys grow up learning to throw - either playing catch in the backyard with their friends or by joining Little League. There are lots of girls that play baseball and softball at a young age as well. But many never learn to throw when they're a kid because their parents don't teach them or they chose to do other things. It's the same reason why kids from France speak French better than most kids from America - it's because they've been learning to talk that way since they were born. The bottom line is the phrase "throwing like a girl" is really outdated - because many guys and girls throw really well, and many don't.

So the next time you see someone on the field (guy or girl) with one of those strange throwing motions, don't say, "you throw like a girl". Instead say, "you suck, you're a loser, you can't throw at all, you should be embarrassed to even be on the field. Go play for the Cubs."

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