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F1 Challenge Game Review

Reviewed by on Dec 27, 2006
Rating: 4 Star Rating

Summers here and the time is right for racing in the streets! If youre a demon for all things that go vroom, let F1 Challenge 99-02 satisfy that need for speed.

Summer's here and the time is right for racing in the streets! If you're a demon for all things that go vroom, let F1 Challenge '99-'02 satisfy that need for speed. EA Sports puts your PC in the game - and the pits - with the best darn F (formula) 1 (one) title on the market.

It's Pole Position For F1 Challenge '99-'02

There is so much coolness that it's hard to know where to begin. There's the funky changes in weather (that track sure does get slippery,) the cool texture of the sky and reflections on the cars which make it look totally realistic. Most of all, Challenge '99-'02 captures all the sounds of F1. If you've ever had the chance to hang near the pits, you are very familiar with what sounds like a billion bees nesting in your brain. That 130 plus decibels really takes a toll on the old eardrums after a few days, which is exactly how long it's gonna take you to really get behind the wheel of F1Challenge '99-'02. Practice is what it's all about. And now, for the question you have been waiting to be answered... how good are the crashes? Excellent! Lots of flying metal and car flips - but nobody dies. A good day at the track.

How Hard Is F1 Challenge '99-'02?

It's hard! Think of it as learning how to drive the real deal - that doesn't happen in an hour.

Age Rating: Everyone.

Rating: 4

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