From the freestylin' world of street hoops to the hard-hittin' courts of SlamBall, Sean "Inches" Jackson is always hanging out somewhere high above the rim. The streetball master and the star of SlamBall's MOB took some time out from his spring-loaded, slam-dunking schedule to talk to me about shooting hoops, getting girls and the newest season of TNN's SlamBall.
Simon: So, why do people call you Inches?
Sean Inches Jackson: Because I'm inches away from dunking on you if you get too close to me when I'm up in mid air. I'm 5'10" and I jump as high as Vince Carter.
Simon: How did you get involved with SlamBall?
Sean Inches Jackson:The founder of SlamBall, Mason Gordon, came up with idea for SlamBall in 1999 and was looking for players. I met Mason and we went and played some hoops 'cuz he wanted to see how high I could jump and all that. When I showed him my vertical, he was like, 'I gotta have you', and that's how it started. We picked five other guys, including my little brother, Charles Mason Jr. A.K.A. Little Get Down and we started improving the game of SlamBall. We worked on the rules, how to jump on the trampolines without hurting yourself, how to do certain moves and how to hit people.
Simon: So, what do you like best about SlamBall - the big hits or the big dunks?
Sean Inches Jackson: I'm more of a physical aggressor. I'd rather do the hitting and demolishing. I get more satisfaction knocking players on the floor and on their butt. Anybody can dunk on anybody - but I like to show them what Sean Jackson's got. You got guys who are 280 pounds comin' at me thinkin' they're gonna knock me on the ground but with me, it's the other way around. I'm the one hittin' them.
Simon: Do you got any advice or tips on how to improve my game?
Sean Inches Jackson: I use basketball as a tool like school or studying. You have to practice and practice, just like you have to study. If you want to be better at basketball, you have to practice, you have to concentrate hard and always work on improving your game. One day you have to work on your handling, the next day you work on your jump shot, next you work on dribbling with your opposite hand. You don't give up until you understand everything - just like learning a concept in math.
Click here to hear Sean Inches Jackson slammin' 'bout girls and drugs.
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