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Alex and Emma Movie Review

Reviewed by on Dec 27, 2006
Rating: 2 Star Rating

The movie Alex and Emma, starring Kate Hudson and Luke Wilson, takes some funny situations and builds a romance around them. So why didnt I leave the theater with warm fuzzies?

Alex and Emma takes some pretty funny and cute situations and builds a romance around it. First, you've got an author who owes Cuban loan sharks $100,000. The only way the writer, played by Luke Wilson, can pay these scary dudes is by finishing his next book. Problem is, he has writer's block. The sharks aren't exactly sympathetic and torch his laptop. Now he's got nothing to write his book on. So he hires a stenographer, usually used by laywers, to type the book up for him. Alex and Emma is a movie with a lot of potential for cute, quirky scenes - so why didn't I leave the theater with warm fuzzies?

Alex and Emma - Goodness

Luke Wilson is very funny as writer, Alex Sheldon. Kate Hudson is cute as stenographer, Emma Dinsmore. She's also very funny in the book-based roles of Ylva, Elsa and Anna - the nannies in Alex's tale, which is also acted out in the movie, Alex and Emma.

Alex and Emma - The Downfall

Unfortunately, Alex and Emma is a bit of a snorefest. Most of the movie is just Luke Wilson's character and Kate Hudson's character sitting around a stinky, old Boston apartment blabbering to each other. And, the whole movie, all I kept thinking was: why did he hire a stenographer? Why not borrow a friend's computer and type the book yourself? Or, get a friend to type it for you? And, why doesn't Kate Hudson's character just type it directly into a computer instead of into that silly stenographer thingy? Anyway, the ending of Alex and Emma was typical and cheesy - in a lame way, not a good cheese way.

Alex and Emma - Bottom Line

This movie does have a few giggles that are worth seeing. But, it's the type of giggles that you rent on a rainy day when nothing good is on TV.


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