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Harry Potter Saves the Forests!

Dec 27, 2006

With a wave of a wand and a simple consisto amputatus, Raincoast Books, the Canadian publishers of the Harry Potter series, will release the only edition of The Order of the Phoenix to be printed on 100 percent recycled paper, processed chlorine free. The Canadian edition of J.K. Rowling's 768 page book is, in her words, "helping to save magnificent forests in the muggle world."

Raincoast is the first and only of the 55 Harry Potter publishers worldwide to print on the Ancient Forest-friendly paper. And if that's not enough number-crunching, Raincoast alone is printing over 900,000 copies of The Order of the Phoenix. Now multiply that by 55. That is a lot of trees. Somewhere out there is one very happy Lorax. (For the non-picture book readers, that's Dr.Seuss.)

More Forestry Facts:

By printing on Ancient Forest-friendly paper Raincoast Books is saving:
  • 29,640 trees ( a forest larger than Central Park in New York City.)
  • 47,007,044 litres of water (enough to fill 31 Olympic-sized swimming pools.)
  • 633,557 kilograms of solid waste (approximately the weight of 155 average female elephants.)
  • 20,248 BTU's of electricity (enough electricity to power the average North American home for 195 years - or Justin Guarini's hair dryer for a week.)

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