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Casting Call - Switched

Reviewed by on Dec 27, 2006
Rating: 1 Star Rating

Weve got another cool casting call for teens aged 14-18. ABC Family is looking for American teenagers to auditon for their new reality TV show, Switched.

Ever wonder what it would be like to live in another person's place for a few days? Think you could hack someone else's family, friends, school and everyday routine? You have the chance to find out with ABC Family's latest reality TV show.

Switched takes two ordinary American teens and makes them switch lives for four days. Each episode will follow the pair leave their own homes and arrive at their new ones. Viewers will watch as they eat breakfast with their new families, attend extra curricular activities and socialize with new friends. At the end, the Switched pair will meet up and exchange feedback about their experiences. Sound like fun?

If you wanna get on this cool new show and are between the ages of 14-18, you're going to have to fill out an application and send in your resume package to the casting directors. Remember though - ABC wants kidz who have cool and interesting extra curricular activities. No one wants to watch a show where the lead character comes home and plunks themselves down in front of the tube for hours.

1 I love the show!!!!

Kidz Submit by:

Nickname: Lakoda
Age: 14

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