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Sindy's Blog - May 2, 2003

Dec 27, 2006
May 2, 2003

My parents just don't get it. Their yelling is driving me C-R-A-Z-Y! When they give each other the silent treatment, it's even worse than the yelling. And yet, it continues. I've been emailing my bestest bud, Simon, every day but it's just not the same as when he used to live down the block and I could go hang out in his room and listen to tunes. Detroit is so far away!

I ended up flunking that math test. I never flunk tests! Then again, how am I supposed to get any studying done when mom and dad refuse to use their "inside voices" when talking to one another? My life is such a mess and I don't know how to fix it...

A new girl in my Home Ec. class is having a party this weekend. Maybe I'll go. At least it would take my mind off of everything - and get me away from the toxic 'rents. (Even if it is only temporary.)

Oh! Friends is almost on! Write more later...


Thanks to Princessashleyprincess for sending in her thoughts about my last blog. Here they are:

I feel what you are going though. My 'rents were fighting a lot at one time and it started to mess me up. So, what I did was I got both of my 'rents in one room and I told them that all of this fighting was messing with me. If their answer is, "We're not fighting, we're just talking," then you should say that that's not how it is coming off and that it's hurting you to see them fight. Most 'rents will stop or take it down for their children


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