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Celebrity Hairstyle Dos and Don'ts (pg. 2)

Dec 27, 2006
Hairdos You Don't Want:

Pink has trouble maintaining her mohawk.
� � � � � � � P!nk

P!nk's Fallen Mohawk

In the world of hair, mohawks can be super cool - even for girls. But when you commit to styling your hair with spikes every morning, you've gotta follow through. Whatever you do, do not leave the house with the sides of your head shaved and a big strip of floppy, unstyled hair down the middle. It doesn't look good on Pink, and it won't look good on you.

Don't make a habit out of copying Christina Aguilera's hairdos.
Christina Aguilera

Christina's Dirrty Hairdos

It's no big surprise that Christina Aguilera has made our list of hair don'ts. Christina's platinum hair doesn't make her look trendy, it makes her look trashy. It's not natural to have white hair (unless your a senior citizen,) and even less natural to have knotty strands of midnight black hair poking out from underneath, (unless you're a skunk.)

JC Chasez is in desperate need of a hair cut.
� � � � JC Chasez

The *NSYNC Mullet

Sure, long hair on guys has been trendy in the past, and some guys could even pull it off today. Unfortunately, JC Chasez is not one of them. The soon-to-be solo member of *NSYNC has hair that looks like a mullet gone wild. Definitely steer away from letting your locks grow free, or you're gonna look more like a cave man than a dude the ladies wanna meet.

Jack Osbourne needs to take some hair advice from his sister, Kelly.
Jack Osbourne

Jack Osbourne's Untamed 'Fro

His sister, Kelly knows where it's at in the world of hairstyling but Jack Osbourne just can't figure it out. He once had a cute faux hawk but has since let his curly locks become unruly and they appear to be headed down the highway of hair, straight into Afroville. This may work for basketball superstars or disco kings but it's generally not a hairstyle you want to work towards.

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