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Dear Dish-It, Kidzworld Member Feedback (pg. 2)

Dec 27, 2006

You've read the questions sent in by Kidzworld members and you've checked out the advice Dish-It has served up. Now it's time to hear what Kidzworld members have to say about love, dating, cheating, sex and a ton of other hot teen issues!

Some people might not realize this, but peer pressure is a big deal (I should know, I've had a lot of it.) I've had this one friend since I was in kindergarden, and we've been tight like peanut butter on the roof of your mouth. Then, this year, our first year in middle school, we got separated into different halls of the school. On days when we could hang out, I suddenly didn't want to hang out with her. She had really changed. She was doing things TOTALLY against the school rules, and acting like if I didn't do them too, I shouldn't hang out with her. I felt like I should just do them a little, so I wouldn't get in trouble, but I could still hang out with her. But I felt REALLY guilty when I started to do it. Now, I have so many other friends and BETTER people to hang out with. Every time I see her, I just wave because the way she was acting, why should I have to hang out with her? It was even stupid of me in the first place to do something I KNEW was wrong, just to hang out with someone who wasn't even that great in the first place.

Kidz Submit by:

Nickname: AgentOrange
Age: 17

If any girls are going through painful break-ups, just remember these few tips:
1)Talk to your friends, let them know how you feel.
2)Cry a lot! A good cry makes everyone feel better.
3)Go on the prowl! If you meet someone new he'll disappear out of your head.
4)If he didn't give you a proper reason for splitting up with you, he sure isn't worth your time.
5)DON'T FORGET! If you dumped him, remember why and don't make the mistake of going back out with him!
If these don't work straight away don't despair! Your heart will heal after a while. JUST FORGET ABOUT THE LOSER!

Kidz Submit by:

Nickname: gothic godess
Age: 16

Hi, I'm 12 years old and my friend's ex-boyfriend came over one night. Well, it was the first night they went out! At first I didn't mind him until later that night! He would try to make my friend leave the room so he could hit on me! She suspected somthing but wasn't 100% sure! Well anyways, he would be all over me when she wasn't looking! But then he asked to kiss me and was like, "You know you like me!" I got so frustrated that I just slapped him across the mouth! I didn't know how to tell my friend! It took me about a week or so and then after I told her she was in tears (this happened many times before. I can't help it if her boyfriends are attracted to me... lol... j/k.) She was going to wait for him to call and tell him it's over and hang up but he never called. It's been like 2 weeks now and she has moved on but he never called! So basically he was playing her in the first place! What I'm trying to say is that boys go day by day but friends are forever so don't let a stupid guy get between y'all's friendship!

Kidz Submit by:

Nickname: AirForce1Chic
Age: 14

I don't think some little girls know what they're getting into. You may see it on the movies as this romantic thing with candles and whatnot but it's not. It's actually pretty wierd cuz you don't know what you're doing. So wait till you're married, please!

Kidz Submit by:

Nickname: straight_evil
Age: 14

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