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A Wicked Halloween Home Workout!

Get fit the fun way with this home exercise routine.

Oct 02, 2020

Tired of sitting in front of screens?  Need new virtual gym-class inspiration?  Get up and get moving—Right at home.  Home workouts are huge right now–For some, it’s your only choice.  But don’t just do any workout.  If you want to have long-term success, change it up frequently to keep your muscles guessing, and make sure you pick types of exercise that you enjoy doing so you’ll increase the chances of not bailing out. Long workouts aren’t necessary–Just make sure to challenge yourself.

Try this Halloween workout for wicked fun!Try this Halloween workout for wicked fun!

This Halloween exercise routine is fun, challenging and will leave you feeling energized and ready to tackle anything.  Grab your sneaks, turn on some festive Halloween music and get going!  Go through this whole circuit, then repeat 1-2 times if desired.  Only do the last cooldown move at the end.  You’ll need a pumpkin and a broom.

Black Cat (Cat/Cow)

  1. Start on your hands and knees, then while exhaling, round your back toward the ceiling and bring your navel up towards your spine.  Hold here for a few seconds.
  2. Bring back to the neutral position, keeping your spine and head aligned. 
  3. Do as many as you need!

This move will warm up your abdominal and back muscles.This move will warm up your abdominal and back muscles.Courtesy of Jennifer Muscato

Creepy Crawler

  1. From a table top position on the floor, move your arms and legs to inch your body forward about 5 steps.  
  2. Pause, and inch back 5 steps to starting position.  
  3. Try to keep your hips up and in line with your torso. Do this forward/backward movement 3 times.

For the Creepy Crawler, go as fast or as slow as you please.For the Creepy Crawler, go as fast or as slow as you please.Courtesy of Jennifer Muscato

Dead Bug

  1. Lie on your back with a neutral spine and your legs off the floor, knees bent at right angles.  Your arms are straight above you,
  2. Tighten your abs as you lengthen your right leg out until it is almost parallel to the floor, lowering your right arm simultaneously. Keep your torso completely still as the arm and leg move.
  3. Return to the starting position, as you simultaneously lower your left arm and leg to complete one rep.
  4. Do 12-18 times

The Dead Bug is a great abdominals exercise.The Dead Bug is a great abdominals exercise.Courtesy of Jennifer Muscato

Switch the direction of your arms and legs simultaneously for this abs move.Switch the direction of your arms and legs simultaneously for this abs move.Courtesy of Jennifer Muscato

Mummy Kicks

  1. Stand with your left foot forward, the heel of your left foot slightly in front of the right foot. Extend your arms in front of your chest and keep the left arm above the right.
  2. Jump, switching both feet and arms to land with the right heel in front of the left foot, right arm above left.
  3. Repeat at a fast but controlled pace, 12 to 20 times.

Mummy Kicks starting position.Mummy Kicks starting position.Courtesy of Jennifer Muscato

Do 12-20 Mummy Kicks.Do 12-20 Mummy Kicks.Courtesy of Jennifer Muscato

Dracula Raises

  1. Lie on your back with arms extended overhead and legs extended fully.
  2. Tighten your stomach muscles and slowly lift your upper body off of the ground.
  3. Roll up to a seated position, pausing once your torso is straight up and down.
  4. Slowly reverse the movement, uncurling spine to the starting position.

Begin Dracula Raises in a lying position.Begin Dracula Raises in a lying position.Courtesy of Jennifer Muscato

End the position when your torso is at a right angle to the floor.End the position when your torso is at a right angle to the floor.Courtesy of Jennifer Muscato

Scaredy Cat

  1. Begin in a hand plank position, your wrists directly underneath your shoulders.
  2. Lift your hips to the sky, pausing at the top.
  3. Return back to plank position to complete one rep.
  4. Do 8 to 10 reps.

Begin Scaredy cat in a plank position.Begin Scaredy cat in a plank position.Courtesy of Jennifer Muscato

Scaredy cat is a great full-body move.Scaredy cat is a great full-body move.Courtesy of Jennifer Muscato

Witch on a Broom (You need a broom, bar or pole.)

  1. Standing, put one foot in front of the other, and lift your back heel off the floor.  Hold the broom in front of you at chest level, arms about shoulder-width apart.
  2. Bend both of your knees while bringing the broom to one side and twisting your torso to the side.  Pause for one second.
  3. Return to starting position.  Do 8 to 10 reps.  Repeat on the other side.

As you begin this move, place one foot in front of you and keep your broom at chest level.As you begin this move, place one foot in front of you and keep your broom at chest level.Courtesy of Jennifer Muscato

As you bring the broom to the side, bend your knees and twist your torso.  Then return to a front-facing position.As you bring the broom to the side, bend your knees and twist your torso. Then return to a front-facing position.Courtesy of Jennifer Muscato

Pumpkin Squats

  1. Grab your medium-sized pumpkin, holding it in front of your chest. 
  2. With your feet hip-width apart, and keeping your chest up and shoulders back, squat down as far as you feel comfortable, then return to standing.
  3. Do 8 to 12 reps.

When you squat, keep your chest up and shoulders back, bringing your hips behind you.When you squat, keep your chest up and shoulders back, bringing your hips behind you.Courtesy of Jennifer Muscato

Pumpkin Walk

  1. Hold your pumpkin over your head, keeping your arms as straight as possible.  Make sure the pumpkin isn’t too heavy for this exercise!
  2. Walk around the room for 30 seconds with the pumpkin over your head, keeping your arms as straight as you can.

Your arms may get tired during the Pumpkin Walk.  Just do your best to keep them straight!Your arms may get tired during the Pumpkin Walk. Just do your best to keep them straight!Courtesy of Jennifer Muscato

Corpse Pose Cool Down

When your workout is over, do this cooldown pose.  This is a pose of total relaxation.

  1. Lie flat on your back. Use a small pillow behind your back if required. Close your eyes.
  2. Keep your legs comfortably apart, relaxed, and toes pointing towards outside.
  3. Leave your arms relaxed alongside your body and keep your palms facing upwards.
  4. Bring attention to every part of your body, and try to relax your body.  Keep breathing slowly and gently.
  5. Open your eyes when you feel relaxed and de-stressed.

You did it!  Now enjoy total relaxation with Corpse Pose (Savasana).You did it! Now enjoy total relaxation with Corpse Pose (Savasana).Courtesy of Jennifer Muscato

Remember to work within your own limitations and listen to your body’s signals.  Aim to do this workout three times per week, and not on two consecutive days--You want to let your muscles repair themselves in between workouts.

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