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Chex Quest HD PC Game Review (Single-Player)

Objectively the Best Game Starring Breakfast Cereal.

Reviewed by on May 30, 2020
Rating: 5 Star Rating

Chex Quest HD is a full 3D remake of the 1990’s classic Chex Quest. Check out Kidzworld for all your gaming news and reviews!

With the release of Chex Quest HD, there is now hope for any classic game to come back in a remake. The Cereal-based first-person shooter sets you in the shoes of Fred Chexster, a Chex Warrior of the Chex Squadron who is tasked with stopping the mutant Flemoids, a recently discovered race of slime that came to be after a volcano erupted on an alien planet. The Flemoids hope to destroy the Intergalactic Federation of Cereals, and it is up to you to stop them. Yes, this is the story. You play as cereal.

Fred Chexster, the Chex Warrior.Fred Chexster, the Chex Warrior.

The Gameplay

Even though the game has been fully remade into 3D, the basic gameplay is still mostly the same as it was when the game shipped via cereal boxes. Throughout 5 levels you are tasked with finding new Zorchers, the Chex Warriors’ weapons of choice, finding keys, and zapping Flemoids back to their home dimension. You are cereal, without dairy. Fred spouts amazingly terrible one-liners throughout the missions, with gems like “I love adventures” and “It’s a shame to waste all that dairy.” The Chex Warrior can firmly place himself alongside the other great heroes in FPS games of the time. His brash but cheesy charisma carries the experience throughout the 5 levels, and by the time you’re done, you can’t help but kind of want more. The weapons all mimic those in the original Doom, so combine that with the fast movement and floaty jumping its hard to fault the gameplay when it matters most.

You get 100 health and armor points, as well as the ability to go past 100 health with special pickups.You get 100 health and armor points, as well as the ability to go past 100 health with special pickups.

The Story

In Chex Quest HD, you are placed in a rich, lived-in universe brimming with intrigue, politics, and multi-dimensional aliens. You are cereal. The Flemoid menace cannot be defeated with normal weapons, so Chex Warrior must arm himself with Zorchers, remote-like beam weapons that zap Flemoids back to their home dimension. It doesn’t take too many risks with the story much like other FPS games from the 1990s, but seeing it all play out in fully animated cutscenes sells the setting of cereal with no hope in sight. All the levels see you exploring maze-like areas in search of keys and blasting enemies just like Doom. The remake has gone an extra step by adding bits of flavor-dialogue through terminals that you find in the world to help expand on the characters and world in ways that the original game could not. They’ve tried to make the world of Chex Quest as realistic as a sci-fi game about Cereal beings and multi-dimensional slime can be.

The General of The Intergalactic Federation of Cereals is a Cheerio.The General of The Intergalactic Federation of Cereals is a Cheerio.

The Music

An FPS game is nothing without its soundtrack, and Chex Quest HD’s soundtrack is also a surprising standout. Track 4, “Storage Facility” had me dancing uncontrollably. Every track has been painstakingly recreated and enhanced from the original and elevates the experience for sure. The sound effects are not as great though, and some of them are ripped straight out of the original Doom. If the sound effects and mood matched the level of the soundtrack, it would be an easy recommendation for anyone.   

At the end of each level, you are scored. Try to find all the secrets!At the end of each level, you are scored. Try to find all the secrets!

Final Thoughts

Overall, for a free game, you cannot go wrong with Chex Quest HD. The “combat” encounters can get fairly intense at times, and since you are forced to start over every time your HP equals zero, it makes each fight an edge of your seat affair. I also love how they gave the player a true first-person experience with you having to look through Chex Warrior’s helmet, making the game feel that much more immersive. If you need a few minutes of quality, nostalgic gaming give this a download. You play as cereal.

There are clever log terminals to find that flesh out the backstory and characters.There are clever log terminals to find that flesh out the backstory and characters.


  • Fun, old-school FPS gameplay
  • Surprisingly deep story and setting
  • Charming hero
  • Great music


  • Animations and sound design are lacking in some areas
  • Doesn't include the 2nd and 3rd episodes of Chex Quest that were made later


Chex Quest HD Video Game Rating: 5

The game's box art.The game's box art.

Available now for PC, Free to Play through Steam!

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