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Charlie's Angels Blu-ray Review - Girl Power Galore!

Fun extras take us behind the scenes of this actioner.

Reviewed by on Mar 09, 2020
Rating: 3 Star Rating

Kidzworld reviews the Blu-ray for Charlie’s Angels. Girl bonding on set, action training and Kristen Stewart’s funny side are covered in the extras.

Angels plus BozAngels plus Boz

Spy/investigator/butt-kickers Sabina (Kristen Stewart) and Jane (Ella Balinska), known as Charlie’s Angels, work for the Townsend Agency for “Charlie”, just a mysterious voice on speakerphone. Boz (Elizabeth Banks), their direct boss, is one of many “Bosleys”. After taking down crime biggie Jonny Smith (Chris Pang), the girls hear of a bright computer scientist Elena (Aladdin’s Naomi Scott) who developed a clean energy source and tried to warn her boss industrialist Alex Brock (Sam Claflin) that it is flawed and could be used as a weapon. Elena will aid the Angels to stop a Brock employee from selling the new energy to the highest bidder.

Charlie's Angels Trailer



Stop a Weapons Sale

Angel Sabina kicks the butt of criminal Jonny Smith and with the aid of fellow Angel Jane, turns him over to authorities.  Meanwhile, at Brock Industries, young systems engineer/programmer Elena Houghlin tries to warn boss Fleming (Nat Faxon) that a new clean energy device called Calysto is flawed but she can fix it. Fleming tells her to shut up. Meanwhile, another Bosley (Patrick Stewart) is thrown a retirement party. When Elena is slipped a Townsend Agency business card, she meets with Bosley (Djimon Hounsou) and tries to give him a thumb drive with her research on Calysto but killer Hodak (Jonathan Tucker) murders Bosley and the thumb drive ends up in a river.

Does Elena have what it takes to be an Angel?Does Elena have what it takes to be an Angel?Courtesy of Sony Pictures

Office Intrigue

Several prototypes of the device are housed at the Brock offices and the girls, including Elena go in wearing identical wigs and outfits. After a lot of action, identity confusion and struggle, they learn that Fleming has stolen all but one of the prototypes. Elena is able to get the last one from the lab. The girls go to Townsend H. Q. in Berlin where they realize that Fleming is headed to Istanbul with the devices to sell them. The retired Bosley feels that the Elizabeth Banks Boz is a mole and working with the baddies. In Istanbul, Jane talks Fatima, an operative from her past, into finding Fleming in the city.

Could Boz be a traitor?Could Boz be a traitor?Courtesy of Sony Pictures

Race Track Action

Fleming will sell the devices to any of several criminals at an upcoming horse race. The girls attend in disguise but the baddies get away with the device and Fleming. The Angels track their car to a rock quarry where they again try to get the devices, Fleming is killed and hired gun Hodak gets away with the prototypes. Boz who was supposed to be waiting in a get-away car for them is just gone when they emerge. Back at H.Q. they wonder if Boz is a traitor. The H.Q. blows up. Dazed, Elena gets away but is grabbed by retired Bosley who shoots Boz before she can help. He is the real traitor. Sabina is badly hurt but Jane carries her out of the wreckage and safety where Jane and Sabina bond as friends.

Sabina in jockey garb at the race trackSabina in jockey garb at the race trackCourtesy of Sony Pictures

Big Party Climax

Alex Brock is having a party to launch Calysto. Learning that Elena is being held there by retired Bosley who wants her to open the device using a code and turn it over to him, the Angels and Boz go to rescue her and the prototypes. We learn that retired Bosley wants to start his own Townsend-style agency and he works for Brock! Even Jonny Smith, supposedly in jail, is involved. Is everybody a baddie? All might not be what it seems however.  Will the Angels rescue Elena? Will she become an Angel? Who is really behind stealing the prototypes?

On the way to the partyOn the way to the partyCourtesy of Sony Pictures

Watch some mid-credits scenes showing Elena training to be a full-fledged Angel and a nice surprise about the Charlie character that is tied to the original Charlie’s Angels on TV.

Special Extra Features

  • Deleted and Extended Scenes – There are five of these. Some are funny, others cover nice character development. Worth a watch.
  • Gag Reel – Love these. Some line flubs, some visual boo boos.
  • Stronger Together: The Sisterhood of Angels – Actors bond on set to create their characters which are described as well as what each actress brings to her part. All praise working with Elizabeth Banks as Director. Neat!

Elena joins the Angels on a new assignmentElena joins the Angels on a new assignmentCourtesy of Sony Pictures
  • Elizabeth Banks: As BOSSley – Covers the actress/writer/director and her take on the Angels universe and modernizing it for this generation. Fun.
  • Warriors on Set: Angels in Action features the girls’ stunt rehearsals, training and cool chases in the film. Each character had her individual fighting style. Elizabeth Banks told the girls “fight smarter, not harder”. Cool!

Elizabeth Banks wrote, directs and acts in the movieElizabeth Banks wrote, directs and acts in the movieCourtesy of Sony Pictures
  • Tailored for Danger: Styling the Angels – all about costumes, hair and make-up for each individual Angel…also different looks for going undercover. A stylin’, fun extra.

Jane is undercover in a wild outfitJane is undercover in a wild outfitCourtesy of Sony Pictures
  • Music Video  “Don’t Call Me Angel” features Ariana Grande, Miley Cyrus and Lana Del Rey… very hot!

Wrapping Up

This Blu-ray set looks and sounds fine but there is no Director audio commentary which would have been fun with funny, smart Elizabeth at the helm of the movie. Extras are all fun to watch however. 

The Angels plus Boz in exotic localeThe Angels plus Boz in exotic localeCourtesy of Sony Pictures

Overall, as we said when we reviewed the film in theaters, “The Charlie’s Angels 2019 girl posse is comfortable, believable and modern as written and directed by Pitch Perfect’s Elizabeth Banks who plays Boz. Kristen Stewart shows her witty, kick butt, funny side and brings some feisty life to what could be a tired old premise brought to screens yet again (TV series in the 1970’s, movies starting in 2000). There is not much time for character development but an attempt is made at some background reveals that are fun.

How do we protect Calysto?How do we protect Calysto?Courtesy of Sony Pictures

The plot is convoluted but contains a few nice twists and we have some brief photo tributes to the original Angels as well as the 2000 cast. The identity of Charlie is a cool surprise for original Angels fans”.

Angels at the premiereAngels at the premiere

The film and this home entertainment set, is a fun romp with some modern takes on the characters and nice action. Extras aren’t earth-shaking but entertaining. We go three stars.

Charlie’s Angels Blu-ray Rating: 3

Charlie's Angels Blu-ray Review - Girl Power Galore!Courtesy of Sony Pictures

Buy Charlie’s Angels starting Tuesday, March 10th

Want to Collect the Angels?

Are you into this new squad of feisty Angels? Were you aware of the Drew Barrymore and team Angel films? Which Angel would you like to be? Which action moves would you like to accomplish? Let everyone know with a comment!