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The Gamer's Holiday Gift Guide

We'll help you find the perfect gift for that special gamer in your life.

Dec 03, 2018

We're officially in the holiday season and with that cold weather coming in and those gift-giving events fast approaching, it's time to consider what to get for that gamer in your life. Or, if you're an avid video game player yourself, what titles would you put on your own wish list? Well, have no fear, as we have you covered with our guide of games to gift for any platform or player-type but remain appropriate for all ages!

The Best Games on Each Console

We've got games on each of the main consoles on this list, including a few console exclusives. Make sure the game you want is on the system you own before purchasing!

Spyro Reignited Trilogy

"The Spyro Reignited Trilogy is as perfect of a remake as you could hope for. While it may be light on challenge, the three games are full of charm and appropriate for a gamer of any age. Though Crash Bandicoot was our 2nd favorite family game of 2017, I'd be surprised if Spyro wasn't the best family game of 2018."

Available on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.

Check out the full review!

Spyro Reignited Trilogy Box ArtSpyro Reignited Trilogy Box ArtCourtesy of Activision

LEGO DC Super-Villains

"There's a bit of comfort in LEGO games, while you normally know what you're going to get when you first boot one up that's not always a bad thing, especially for the youngest gamers out there. The simplicity of smashing up your world as recognizable characters can usually make for a charming game that's easy to zone out to but LEGO DC Super-Villains is able to stand out from the pack with an interesting and original story that's sure to please kids."

Available on Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC.

Check out the full review!

LEGO DC Super-Villains Box ArtLEGO DC Super-Villains Box Art

Forza Horizon 4

"Every other Forza staple is here, tons of different makes and models, a ridiculous amount of options to tune your car, and top-tier sound and visuals. If you're a racing fan, I can't think of any reason why you wouldn't want to play Forza Horizon 4 and if you're not a fan yet then there's never been a better game to test the genre with."

Available on Xbox One and PC.

Check out the full review!

Forza Horizon 4 Box ArtForza Horizon 4 Box ArtCourtesy of Microsoft

Marvel's Spider-Man

"Marvel's Spider-Man boasts a memorable story that does justice to a classic character. The setpieces are awesome, the story regularly put a smile on my face, and the swinging is satisfying."

Available on PlayStation 4.

Check out the full review!

Marvel's Spider-Man Box ArtMarvel's Spider-Man Box Art

Dragon Ball FighterZ

"I have no problem calling this the greatest Dragon Ball game ever made. Some slight changes to future entries could possibly see this series growing into the gold standard of fighting games but for now, the fighting is so astounding that I'm ready to look past the small mistakes."

Available on Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC.

Check out the full review!

Dragon Ball FighterZ PS4 Box ArtDragon Ball FighterZ PS4 Box ArtCourtesy of Bandai Namco

Pokémon: Let's Go, Pikachu! 

"Pokémon: Let's Go, Pikachu! is a perfect Pokémon game for any kid looking to try out Pokémon for this first time. While those gamers who are more closely familiar with the game may find the journey a little too easy, the simplicity makes it an accessible entry into one of gaming's most popular franchises. Just be cautious if you're looking to pick up the Poké Ball Plus with your copy of the game."

Available on Nintendo Switch.

Check out the full review!

Pokémon: Let's Go, Pikachu! Box ArtPokémon: Let's Go, Pikachu! Box ArtCourtesy of Nintendo

Super Mario Party

"Super Mario Party is the best Mario Party game we've had in the past decade, maybe ever. It'd be nice to have extra boards but what is there is going to be a ton of fun. To this day, no franchise brings together casual and expert gamers as well as Mario Party."

Available on Nintendo Switch.

Check out the full review!

Super Mario Party Box ArtSuper Mario Party Box ArtCourtesy of Nintendo

Luigi's Mansion

Luigi's Mansion is brimming with charm and the silly-spooky atmosphere makes it a perfect October game. While the controls haven't aged as well, and the gameplay is a little simplistic, this short game is still unique enough to feel like a breath of fresh air nearly 2 decades later.

Available on Nintendo 3DS.

Check out the full review!

Luigi's Mansion Box ArtLuigi's Mansion Box ArtCourtesy of Nintendo

Share Your Thoughts

These are some games we'd be happy to have but what about you? Which games would you love to give or recieve over the holidays? Share your thoughts below!