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MythQuest Series :: The Minotaur Book Review

Reviewed by on Dec 27, 2006
Rating: 5 Star Rating

Kidzworlds checking out the latest Random House series, MythQuest, which is based on the television series aired on PBS, Showcase and CBC. Find out if The Minotaur is worth your reading time.

Novelization by: Tom Mason and Dan Danko

Have you ever noticed that almost every time someone tries to recreate the magic of your fave movie or TV show as a novel, it usually sucks? Well, maybe there's hope yet for book lovers everywhere. We believe the MythQuest series will win you over. Find out why!

The Minotaur

The first novel in the MythQuest series is called The Minotaur and is based on the first episode of the MythQuest television series, found on PBS, Showcase and CBC. The MythQuest tales are all about siblings, Alex and Cleo Bellows and their adventures trapped in ancient myths.

Ancient Greece

In The Minotaur, Alex and Cleo's dad is mysteriously sucked into his computer, leaving not a trace of evidence behind. Then, Alex gets sucked into the computer too! Both Cleo and Alex are in shock, but they don't have much time to think about what has just happened. Alex has somehow landed smack dab in the middle of ancient Crete where everyone thinks he is the Athenian prince, Theseus. The only catch? Theseus has boasted that he'll be the one to kill the deadly Minotaur, in order to end the sacrificing of his people!

A Not-so-simple Escape

So, all Alex has to do is kill the Minotaur, free the Princess of Crete from her tyrant father, King Minos, and find a way back to the 21st Century. Oh yeah, and he has to track down his dad somewhere in between. Think he can do it? Well, you're going to have to read the book to find out!

Mythquest Rating: 5

If you're interested in the MythQuest television series, then check out their site!

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