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New Year: New 2018 Horoscopes

What's up for next year?

Jan 01, 2018

There’s no such thing as a “good year”, It can be a good year for you, but regardless something tragic occurred to someone, somewhere. Life is ups and downs, so instead of wishing and promising for the best 2018 possible, live and learn.

As we soon enter Capricorn, we will be concerned with how we can make things better. We will be concerned with our goals and trying to live a life that truly satisfies you.

What’s next as we move into 2018? Well that’s entirely up to you, and perhaps Astrology will play a little luck too.

Time to let the past go and welcome in a new year.Time to let the past go and welcome in a new year.

Aries (March 21 - April 19)

Aries Horoscope - The RamThe Ram

 Don’t let the years pass you by. Focus on something that you didn’t think you could do, and do it, or at least try to do it. Aries is one to take a dare so there’s not much they would not do. Well it’s always in your plans to make every year even better then the last. Sometimes you work socialize so much or work too hard that time passes you by. Try to have more mindful moments. Don’t think about what you have to do next just concentrate on what you are doing. You’re happiest when you are relaxed, but sometimes you don’t let yourself relax. If you’re feeling high strung at the start of this year, try to find ways to calm down. Use mindfulness, use wise mind, meditation, whatever works best for you.

Taurus (April 20 - May 20)

Taurus Horoscope - The BullThe Bull

Something big or some for of change is on the rise for the Taurus. In many cases, this will be bring good outcomes. You’ll notice how some things are coming together. You certainly can live in the moment, but you also have your hang-ups too. Like if you’re not impressed with someone, watch out, this information will be known. This is the year to be open about what could come and be positive that positive things are going to take place.  

Gemini (May 21 - June 20)

Gemini Horoscope - The TwinsThe Twins

This year is about figuring out you. There’s the you people see, but then there’s the you that you keep to yourself. This has a lot to do with Gemini’s duality, they often strongly want different things at different times. You’ve got a good head on your shoulders so use it for good. You are so much more favored when you are in your perfect ‘Gem’ mode. There’s a lot of secrets with this sign, but that’s because Gemini wants people to see them in different ways. Finding the value in people who are really going to stick by you is important. Gemini can get involved with fake friends and fake flirtations and this often leads to trouble. Gemini has to let go of their private insecurities so that they can be truly happy.  

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

Cancer Horoscope - The CrabThe Crab

It’s another year and you’re trying to stay positive. If you’re missing something in your life that you want, you will feel the incompleteness. Cancer just wants to feel whole. They want to feel the love and give it too. This year will be beneficial if Cancer does what makes them happy. Sometimes Cancer gets stuck in a rut, but there the only people who can get them out of it. Still, Cancer does prosper from having someone compassionate to talk to. Water signs generally feel better when they talk it out. Don’t take it to your cancer and invert, deal with what’s bothering you it will make such a difference.  

Leo (July 23 - August 22)

Leo Horoscope - The LionThe Lion

Leo likes to make the best out of every year, and they will plan and plot to ensure that this occurs. Of course, you can’t avoid problems, but if there is anyone good at it, it’s Leo. This year, Leo needs to be more honest with themselves. They have to stop worrying if everyone likes them. They have to get their head out of the clouds because when they're focused they produce some of their best work. I say “some” because Leo can be highly creative and sometimes they produce magic just out on a whim.

Virgo (August 23 - September 22)

Virgo Horoscope - The VirginThe Virgin

This could be a good year for you if you figure out what you want. Sometimes you just go along with it, knowing you would never invest in it, and this is wrong. Hard work is going to pay off for you soon. You’re not the type to brag, but you are the type to know the answer. You have a modest quality and express greatness, but not in really loud ways. Sometimes you are too hard on something and can be quite the critic. Try flipping the picture around and seeing things from a different perspective.

Libra (September 23 - October 22)

Libra Horoscope - The ScalesThe Scales

It’s typical Libra to be all over the place with things. With school, sometimes they just can’t be bothered and with love, they will entertain the wrong people for the wrong reasons. Libra can easily be the center of the group and hold down a lot of friends. They are generally very kind (though can get sassy) and are easy on the eyes. People are naturally attracted to Libras. They have a charming essence that brings people in.

Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)

Scorpio Horoscope - The Scorpion The Scorpion

I want this to be the year of the Scorpio. I want to see some things change. Scorpio is evolving, it might occur at a slow speed, but this sign is overdue for happiness. This year, do thing the thing you want to do, but think is bad. Take that extra step towards getting yourself in a good place. It’s time to see that change, and that growth as you slow mature into a young adult.

Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21)

Sagittarius Horoscope - The ArcherThe Archer

I would imagine an adventurous year for the Sagittarius. They love to travel so have a hard time staying in the same place. Sagittarius can also be bossy and a bully so if you’re heading in this direction, turn the other way. Love is waiting for you. I know it’s hard for you to express love or talk about it, but trust me it is there. Some Sagittarius girls are tomboys, but guys still like this. Some partners just love having someone they can do wild things with.

Capricorn (December 22 - January 19)

Capricorn Horoscope - The Milk GoatThe Milk Goat

It’s the year to demand more for yourself. Not your school work. Not your after-school chores. You. Don’t worry so much or overthink a situation. This is the time to start new and try to find a place of peace. Don’t put pressure on yourself, you’ll get there, and you want to know why, because you want to get there. Your hard work will take you all kinds of places. Don’t try so hard to win at all costs.

Aquarius (January 20 - February 18)

Aquarius Horoscope - The Water CarrierThe Water Carrier

Goals. Goals. Goals. Aquarius will be after it this year just as they were last. A true Aquarius likes to be involved and take part in school activities. Aquarius is the type to get straight A’s, but also love to have a good time hanging out. They live for the moment and they live to create the moment. Aquarius might be the leader. They might be the one to get the party started. This year find time to air out and find solace for yourself. Don’t let too much get you down, make room for fun, and you should be okay.

Pisces (February 19 - March 20)

Pisces Horoscope - The FishThe Fish

I have this feeling like the Pisces might be In for some luck this year. They’ve been lacking joy in their life and they are slowly getting it back. Pisces can be so hard on themselves, they have to learn to see their gifts and use them for good. Pisces has to look in the mirror and like what they see. It’s not always your fault so learn to stand up for yourself before people start pushing you over. You’ve got a lot to give, this year, don’t be afraid to give it.

Another year passed and we still have so much to learn.Another year passed and we still have so much to learn.
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