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August 2017's Free PlayStation Plus and Xbox Games With Gold

Aug 01, 2017

By: Max Cannon

Every month Sony and Microsoft release a slew of "free" games on their respective platforms if you are already paying for an online subscription for either company. You don't need the newest console to take part as both PlayStation Plus and Xbox's Games With Gold offer games on both Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 (and even PlayStation Vita.)

The New Games of PlayStation Plus

Starting Tuesday, August 1st you can get these upcoming games for free if you have a PlayStation Plus subscription.

  • Just Cause 3 (PlayStation 4)
  • Assassin’s Creed: Freedom Cry (PlayStation 4)
  • Super Motherload (PlayStation 3)
  • Snakeball (PlayStation 3)
  • Downwell (PlayStation Vita, Cross-Buy with PlayStation 4)
  • Level 22 (PlayStation Vita)

August 2017's Free PS4 Games.August 2017's Free PS4 Games.Courtesy of PlayStation

While I didn't think we'd see games that are more AAA than last month's Until Dawn and Game of Thrones, August plans to keep the trend moving forward by dropping a pair of high quality, big budget, games for PlayStation 4. And the games on the legacy platforms, PlayStation 3 and Vita, aren't something to shake a stick at. Disappointingly, those PlayStation 4 games are keeping with the trend of being rated M for Mature by the ESRB.

Just Cause 3 is a boisterous, massive, and explosive open world game, starring the walking one-liner machine Rico Rodriguez. While the first game was far from bad, it's the 2nd Just Cause title that really put the series on the map. Crazy stunts, Hollywood blockbuster type explosions, and skydiving make their way from the first few games and back into the third with the addition of an awesome wingsuit that makes traversal truly unique.

Assassin's Creed: Freedom Cry is a standalone title derivative of Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag where you play as the First Mate of Captain Kenway the Assassin's ship. This shorter Assassin's Creed is a quick little bite-sized adventure that, in my opinion, plays better than the main entrance and is a much more streamlined experience. than the base game.

Adéwalé, the star of the Assassin's Creed: Freedom Cry content.Adéwalé, the star of the Assassin's Creed: Freedom Cry content.

The New Game of Xbox's Games With Gold

Also starting Tuesday, August 1st you can access the first wave of games on Xbox One and Xbox 360 if you have a Gold subscription on Xbox.

  • Slime Rancher (Xbox One)
  • Bayonetta (Xbox 360 & Backwards Compatible on Xbox One)

The second wave of games begins on Wednesday, August 16th.

  • Trials Fusion (Xbox One)
  • Red Faction: Armageddon (Xbox 360 & Backwards Compatible on Xbox One)

Xbox - August 2017 Games with Gold


Slime Rancher is a first person sim where players can harvest slime from a far away planet, manage your inventory, and make big money. While I'll admit I wasn't too attracted to the game at first, once I'd checked out the game in the above video my interest was piqued. Bayonetta is a third person beat-em-up from the creators of Star Fox Zero that surprised me when it appeared on this list. The game's sequel, Bayonetta 2, was exclusive to the Wii U so I'd assumed we'd seen the last in terms of an Xbox or PlayStation release.

Trials Fusion is a balancing platformer where players will need to guide a bouncy motorcycle across a slew of tricky courses, I really, really enjoy this game. Finally, Red Faction: Armageddon is a third person shooter set in the open and destructible planet of Mars, some of the most impressive destruction of last gen was featured in this game. Heads up, we've got some M games in here as well.

Xbox's Games with Gold lineup for August 2017.Xbox's Games with Gold lineup for August 2017.Courtesy of Xbox

My Winner This Month:

While getting Bayonetta is awesome, that older game alone can't top the quality of both PlayStation 4 games. Just Cause 3 is a series that I hold close to heart, and while Assassin's Creed isn't often for me, I can't deny the quality of Ubisoft's franchise.

Have Your Say!

Are you going to give either platform a try this upcoming month? Which service do you like more? Comment below!