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The Secret Life of Pets Blu-ray Review

Reviewed by on Dec 05, 2016
Rating: 4 Star Rating

Kidzworld checked out The Secret Life of Pets out on Blu-ray/DVD. Is this cute movie close to your heart? Should you give or keep it for the holidays? Check our Blu-ray review!

By: Lynn Barker

In The Secret Life of Pets, we’re in NYC and cute terrier Max (voice of Louis C.K.) is bonded to his loving owner Katie (Ellie Kemper). When she brings home ginormous and ultra furry Duke (Eric Stonestreet) from the pound, Max’s life is turned upside down. Can these guys ever be friends?

Chloe, Max and Mel get a load of huge DukeChloe, Max and Mel get a load of huge DukeCourtesy of Universal Pictures

Ginormous New Brother

In a Manhattan apartment building, spoiled terrier Max dotes on owner Katie and pals around with other pets in his building. There is fat cat Chloe (Lake Bell), goofy pug Mel (Bobby Moynihan), slinky wiener dog Buddy (Hannibal Buress), fluffy Pomeranian Gidget (Jenny Slate) who is in love with Max, and parakeet Sweet Pea (Tara Strong). One day, Katie adopts giant, furry Duke (Eric Stonestreet) from the pound. He’s sloppy and just takes over. Max has got to get rid of him.

Katie brings Duke home. Max is stunnedKatie brings Duke home. Max is stunnedCourtesy of Universal Pictures

On the Streets of New York

Hoping to get rid of Duke, Max leads him astray while they are out with a dog walker. A gang of stray cats headed by Ozone (Steve Coogan) attacks them and they end up in an animal control truck. Duke knows being returned to the pound will mean he will be put down. The two are “rescued” by wacky head of abandoned “Flushed Pets”, white rabbit Snowball (Kevin Hart) whom they convince that they too are abandoned strays.

The gang on their adventureThe gang on their adventureCourtesy of Universal Pictures

Escaping the Sewer

In the Flushed Pets sewer HQ, Max and Duke have to join the gang who despise humans and hate domesticated pets. When Snowball finds out they have an owner and have fooled him, he vows revenge when they escape him. Gidget gets the gang together to find and rescue Max. Will she and the group succeed?  

Snowball and his carrot keySnowball and his carrot keyCourtesy of Universal Pictures

Special Extra Features

  • The Humans That Brought you “Pets” – consists of various filmmakers talking about the inspiration for “Pets” from the pets in their own lives. Cute stories!
  • All About the Pets is a kind of cute extra featuring Eric Stonestreet, the voice of huge dog Duke and Kevin Hart, voice of militant bunny Snowball meeting with an animal trainer. You see the animals and get a few facts about them. Nice but not as hilarious as they think it is.
  • Animals Can’t Talk: Meet the Actors presents the various voice actors recording their roles and talking about their characters.. Sweet.
  • Hairstylist to the Dogs is Eric Stonestreet again with a real-life animal groomer teaching him some basics. The dog he uses is soooo cute and funny-looking.
  • How to Make an Animated Film shows us some steps to making the CGI movie featuring writing, directors, artists and animators, designs, music etc. The usual.
  • Anatomy of a Scene goes into more detail with animators showing us the process, character modeling, building computer backgrounds etc. We meet one animator in charge of all the animal fur in the film. Short but interesting.

Snowball plans his next evil moveSnowball plans his next evil moveCourtesy of Universal Pictures
  • The Best of Snowball is just a short montage with clips of the crazy bunny doing his thing. Pretty cute.
  • “Lovely Day” and “Hot Dog Sing-Along” are two music videos with words on the screen for you to sing along with. Short but fun.
  • 3 Shorts from Fandango feature the Minions watching the film and being their silly selves. Cute for those who love the Minions.
  • 3 Mini-Movies- This is the very best extra in my opinion! It includes Mower Minions, the short film shown with “Pets” in theaters.. The little yellow guys want to buy a blender they see on TV, decide to run a gardening service and end up making residents of a nursing home laugh their socks off. Pretty cute and good to have. Norman TV features the little gerbil from the movie running around the building inside the air ducts, watching residents and even preventing a murder! Very cute. Weenie presents the little sausages from the movie’s dream sequence in a musical number about a bullied “kid” weenie learning self-pride. Also very cute and singable. There is a short “Making-Of” featurette after the films that is worth a watch.

Duke is thrilled to find a homeDuke is thrilled to find a homeCourtesy of Universal Pictures

Wrapping Up

The Secret Life of Pets on Home Entertainment video looks and sounds wonderful. Extras are very cute. The very best of them are three short films that are definitely keepers!

Ozone is an alley cat with an attitudeOzone is an alley cat with an attitudeCourtesy of Universal Pictures

If you ever wonder what your pets are doing while you are out, this film answers that question in an adorable, adventurous manner. This Blu-ray/DVD/Digital set is well worth keeping and gifting. Extras are all very short and some better than others. We still go 4 stars.

The Secret Life of Pets Blu-ray Rating: 4

The Secret Life of Pets Blu-ray CoverThe Secret Life of Pets Blu-ray CoverCourtesy of Universal Pictures

The Secret Life of Pets is in stores December 6th!


Have Your Say

Are you sure your pets have a party while you are gone? Are you up for gifting this DVD/Blu-ray set or keeping it (or both). Leave a comment below.