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Is Sony Planning to Release A New PlayStation 4?

Apr 08, 2016

By: Max Cannon

The PlayStation 4K?

Rumors have been circulating lately about a new PlayStation with a possible 2016 release. Insiders are referring to the new console as the PS4.5, or the PS4K. Though details are scarce and nothing has been officially confirmed, several industry insiders at sites like Kotaku and Eurogamer have reported - from anonymous sources- on a console that would run games at higher frame rates and resolutions.

Even though the console would look nicer and run better it isn't rumored to replace your current PS4, as the new console would play PS4 games but with improved graphical fidelity. A moderator on NeoGaf, who is a confirmed developer, also claimed that God of War 4, Gran Turismo Sport, and the intended 2013 launch Deep Down will launch with this new console.

As exciting as a new console is, some people have reasonable fear that this new machine would have developers stop working as hard on the more inferior system. This would cause those who own an original PS4 to potentially suffer through poor game performance.

A new PS4 is almost certainly on the horizon. Will it overtake the current model?A new PS4 is almost certainly on the horizon. Will it overtake the current model?Courtesy of Digital Trends
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