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All About March

Mar 01, 2022

Woohoo, it's March! It may not technically be spring yet, but depending on where you live you might be able to look out your window and see the first signs of spring - flowers, mild weather, and maybe some extra rain. At Kidzworld, we're getting pretty excited about spring. Bring on the sunshine! 

Hello March, goodbye winter!Hello March, goodbye winter!Courtesy of


  • March is named for Mars, the Roman god of war. Mars was also considered the guardian of agriculture, so it's appropriate to name the first month of spring (which represents the beginning of the farming season) after him.  
  • According the the early Roman calendar, March was the first month of the year. Once the Romans added January and February to the calendar, March became the third month of the year, though in Europe it wasn't widely considered as such until the 18th century. 
  • This year, Saturday, March 20th marks the Spring Equinox, also known as the first day of spring. 
  • March is also special because Daylight Savings Time begins on the second Sunday of the month - this year, don't forget to set your clocks an hour forward at 2:00 am on the morning of Sunday, March 13th!

You'll lose an hour of sleep on Sunday, March 12thYou'll lose an hour of sleep on Sunday, March 12th Courtesy of

Fun Facts

  • Earth Hour is an international holiday, celebrated this year on March 28th. It's encouraged for people around the world to turn off non-essential lights for an hour, between 8:30 pm and 9:30 pm, in order to conserve energy. 
  • March actually has two birthstones. The aquamarine gemstone is light in color, usually a bluish green, whereas the bloodstone is dark green flecked with red spots. Both of these stones symbolize courage and strength
  • If you were born in March, your zodiac sign is either Pisces or Aries, depending on your birthday. If you were born on or before the 20th, you're a Pisces, or an Aries if you were born on or after the 21st. Those born under the sign of Pisces are often dreamy and emotional, wheres an Aries is usually considered a leader and a go-getter. 

The color of aquamarine is so cool and calming. The color of aquamarine is so cool and calming. Courtesy of

Famous Birthdays

  • Dr. Seuss (1904-1991), one of the most popular children's writers of all time, was born on March 2nd. He wrote 42 picture books, including fan favorites like The Cat in the Hat and How the Grinch Stole Christmas. Much of his work is still shared by educators, parents, and children every day! 
  • Albert Einstein (1879-1955), the world-renowned physicist credited with the creation of the Theory of Relativity, was born in Germany on March 14th. He later traveled to America in order to escape Hitler. 
  • Lady Gaga was born on March 28th, 1986 in New York City. She is well known for her pop music, avant garde style, and commitment to human rights. Lady Gaga even founded her own foundation, the Born This Way Foundation, which aims to empower youth. 

Lady Gaga shines in her humanitarian role!Lady Gaga shines in her humanitarian role!Courtesy of Steve Granitz/WireImage