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Exotic and Unusual Pets

Jan 04, 2016

It's pretty common for a person or a family to have a dog or a cat as a pet, but there are a lot of unusual pets out there that you might never have seen before. Exotic pets are becoming more popular; maybe it's time for you to learn about a few! 


  • Over the past few years, pigs have become very popular as pets. Pigs are intelligent, inquisitive, and, like a dog, can be fairly easily trained. 
  • Miniature pigs and pot-bellied pigs are particularly common as pets. 
  • If you're considering getting a pig, it's really important to think about what challenges you may face. The pig may grow larger than you expect, so you'll want to make sure you have enough space. Also, pigs are social animals, and may be unhappy without other pigs to interact with. 

Pot-bellied pigs have become very popular as family pets. Pot-bellied pigs have become very popular as family pets. Courtesy of chron.com

Bearded Dragon

  • A bearded dragon is a lizard that usually grows to about a foot long. They are originally from Australia and weren't introduced to North America until the 1990s. 
  • Bearded dragons are typically gentle and safe to have as pets, and they can live to over 10 years old. 
  • If you want to get a bearded dragon, make sure you keep in mind that the lizard will need a sizeable habitat, and will need to be fed insects, vegetables, and fruit in order to stay healthy.  

If you're looking for a lizard, a bearded dragon could be a good choice!If you're looking for a lizard, a bearded dragon could be a good choice!Courtesy of dragonrancher.com


  • Hedgehogs are popular as pets, largely because of how cute they are! Hedgehogs will usually grow to about 8 inches long and can live for up to 10 years. 
  • Think carefully about you pet's environment if you are considering getting a hedgehog. They are very active creatures and will need a large habitat to explore. Also, hedgehogs are nocturnal, so are best as pets for people who are up late. 
  • Hedgehogs should be the only pet in a household, and may not mix well with young children. 

Don't scare the hedgehog - you could get spiked!Don't scare the hedgehog - you could get spiked!Courtesy of boston.com

Keep in Mind...

  • If you are thinking about getting an unusual pet, make sure to check the laws and regulations in your area. Some places have strict laws against exotic pets. 
  • Unusual pets can present many challenges. Absolutely do not get a pet unless you have researched the animal carefully and are fully prepared to meet its needs. Any pet is a commitment, and an exotic animal may be more difficult to care for than a cat or dog. 

Whether you have a dog or an exotic pet, you have to make sure it gets the appropriate medical care. Whether you have a dog or an exotic pet, you have to make sure it gets the appropriate medical care. Courtesy of healthcaresalaryonline.com

Having an unusual pet could be a lot of fun! Don't forget, though, that any kind of pet you get will be your responsibility for the whole of its life, so be sure that you're ready to make the commitment. 

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