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2 New Maps For Splatoon!

Dec 18, 2015

Nintendo just released a video showcasing 2 brand new maps for the their inktastic shooter game, Splatoon! The new maps are named Piranha Pit and Ancho-V Games.

Splatoon was released back in May and keeps getting better with each new update. Check out the trailer for the 2 new Splatoon maps below!

Splatoon - New Stages Trailer!


Both maps look interesting with Piranha Pit looking very grimy and industrial, with all sorts of moving platforms to take advantage of in a large outdoor space. Ancho-V Games seems to take place indoors, possibly inside an old warehouse.

How will you navigate the moving conveyor belts?How will you navigate the moving conveyor belts?Courtesy of Nintendo

Could those fans blow the ink around? Opening up new strategies? Could those fans blow the ink around? Opening up new strategies? Courtesy of Nintendo

If you haven't played Splatoon yet I highly recommend checking out Kidzworld's Let's Play Splatoon to see what all the fuss is about. It's a lot of fun!

Have Your Say!

Are you hyped for more Splatoon maps? Let us know in the comments!