T3 Rise of the Machines - This movie is the final installment in a long-going series that started in 1984 with Arnold Schwarzenegger playing a big, bad machine from the future. Almost 20 years later, Arnie is back, trying to stop a bad machine from destroying the world. If you're into old-skool action (and we mean OLD, Arnold is now pushing 56,) then hit the theater July 2003 for this adventure.
If You Were My Girl - This movie stars pop artist Christina Milian and is a remake of a 1987 flick called Can't Buy Me Love. It's a cute story about a geek who buys the time of a mega-popular cheerleader in order to get cool. This heart-warming comedy will hit the local theater in July 2003.
Envy - Jack Black and Ben Stiller play neighbors who try to compete with each other in the hilarious, Envy. Stiller's character, Tim, gets a major case of the green-eyed monster when Black's character, Nick, gets rich quick. The latest gut-buster from Ben Stiller is scheduled to be released in August 2003.
Upcoming Fall Releases
Grind - This flick takes pro-skateboarding and comedy and 180s them into a supremo movie. Grind is about a group of skaters who follow their fave pro skateboarder on his summer tour in order to get noticed and, hopefully, get sponsored themselves. This flick is set to ollie into theaters October 3, 2003.
The Matrix Revolutions - The final flick in The Matrix series is set to drop into movie theaters November 7, 2003 - not even a year after the sequel. Revolutions will tie up the plot and the lives of Neo, Trinity and Morpheus into a neat, mega-powered package.
The Lord of the Rings: Return of the King - Frodo, Sam, Legolas and Aragorn come together for one final, epic flick that will wrap up the huge hit that has been The Lord of the Rings movie mania. Return of the King, is set to hit theaters on December 17, 2003 and promises bigger battles and more breath-taking imagery then The Fellowship of the Ring or The Two Towers. How is that even possible? We'll find out this year!