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The Age of Adaline Blu-ray Review

Reviewed by on Sep 08, 2015
Rating: 4 Star Rating

Check out Kidzworld’s review of the Blu-ray for “The Age of Adaline”, Blake Lively’s fantasy romance. Living forever isn’t what you might think.

By: Lynn Barker

If you outlived all your crushes and got to watch them age while you stayed the same, you might not want to start any new relationships. Beautiful Adaline (Blake Lively of TV’s “Gossip Girl”) is about 100 years old but looks 20-something. Hey, that’s great!....or is it?

Adaline in a gorgeous 1940's dressAdaline in a gorgeous 1940's dressCourtesy of Lionsgate Home Entertainment

Story Goes

In San Francisco, Adaline Bowman, born in 1906, is a normal, early 20th century woman. She is driving north and, during a freak snowstorm, has an accident that, with the aid of a lightning bolt, causes her to stop aging.

In 2014, Adaline, under the name of Jenny, is working in the archive library at the S.F. Historical Preservation Society. At a New Year’s Eve party she meets a rich, handsome guy named Ellis (“Game of Throne’s” Michiel Huisman). She’s attracted but pushes him away. Adaline is always afraid some boyfriend might reveal her secret to the world. As a freak, scientists might want to experiment on her and watching her guys age while she doesn’t is too weird and heartbreaking.

Ellis (Michiel Huisman) flirts with Adaline (Blake Lively)Ellis (Michiel Huisman) flirts with Adaline (Blake Lively)Courtesy of Lionsgate Home Entertainment

Really crushing on Ellis, Jenny shows him around historical spots in the city and talks about events that she actually attended as if they are ancient history. Sadly, her daughter (Ellen Burstyn) is now grandma age and her latest beloved pet, a King Charles spaniel, the latest of many, many pet dogs, has to be put down. Never aging can kind of suck.

Adaline (Blake Lively) with her daughter Flemming (Ellen Burstyn)Adaline (Blake Lively) with her daughter Flemming (Ellen Burstyn)Courtesy of Lionsgate Home Entertainment

When Ellis takes Adaline to meet his parents (Star Wars Harrison Ford and Kathy Baker) it is as if lightning has struck again. Adaline knows “dad”….from way back when and he certainly recognizes her. Will this turn of events stop her romance with Ellis? Can she finally commit to a guy without fear of sharing her weird secret with him? 

Harrison Ford as William JonesHarrison Ford as William JonesCourtesy of Lionsgate Home Entertainment

Special Features

  • A Love Story for the Ages – is the “making-of” featurette on this Blu-ray and highlights the young director talking about how he found the story and got the job. Producers call the film “Magical Realism” and Blake Lively talks about playing a woman who doesn’t age and her very, very cool costumes in the film, many of which were from Gucci archives. The great Ellen Burstyn tells us that she remembered her teenage years to play the daughter who is grandma age but still feels like a kid around her beautiful mom.

Adaline in her wedding dressAdaline in her wedding dressCourtesy of Lionsgate Home Entertainment
  • We also hear from Michiel Huisman who plays love interest Ellis on his role and the great Harrison Ford tells us why the project was fun for him. We also hear from the Production Designer and Director of Photography on the amazing “look” of the film. Costumes and make-up are briefly discussed. All-in-all, a pretty cool extra.
  • In Style Through the Ages we get a more detailed look at all of Adaline’s really great costumes through the different decades of her long life. The director talks about his visual choices and the costume designer gives more detail on clothes, make-up and hair. He wanted Blake as Adaline to be modern with a vintage touch. Same with the production design. The director even used older Hollywood cameras and film for parts of the movie to match the style of each era. Blake had a lot of input into her look as well. Very interesting extra especially if you are into style!

Adaline during World War IIAdaline during World War IICourtesy of Lionsgate Home Entertainment
  • Discovering Young Harrison Ford: Anthony Ingruber A YouTube Sensation – If you didn’t notice that this young actor looks just like a very young Harrison Ford (go rent American Graffiti ) then you didn’t look close enough. He’s got the crooked smile and even the voice down pat! This featurette reveals that Anthony is a huge Ford fan and was imitating him on YouTube when he was discovered by the director. Even Ford called him “a miracle” after seeing him. Anthony is on camera talking about a dream come true, meeting Harrison and working with Blake. Blake comments that she was “Totally geeked out” by working with Ford. – Very cool extra
  • Deleted Scenes – There are only two of these but both add to the story. One is in Adaline’s apartment when some firemen and cops, trying to find a gas leak, see all her fake I.D.’s and money from different eras on the table but, it doesn’t lead to anything so maybe that’s why it was cut. The other is a mom/daughter scene in which Ellen Burstyn tells Adaline that she had a scary senior memory loss moment; touching but not needed.

Ellis tries desperately to pick up AdalineEllis tries desperately to pick up AdalineCourtesy of Lionsgate Home Entertainment
  • Audio Commentary with Director Lee Toland Krieger – This guy talks a lot. Some of his commentary is about his tech choices but a lot is about the actors so worth a listen. We are told that, in one scene, shot in Vancouver, famous actor Sean Penn steps out of a building in the background but they didn’t keep the shot. We learn that right before making the movie, Blake’s dog had died, making the scene in which she has to have her elderly dog in the movie put to sleep, very sad and real.

An impossible love?An impossible love?Courtesy of Lionsgate Home Entertainment

Wrapping Up

The Age of Adaline is very romantic, sometimes sad but a happy ending romance that would make a good night in with popcorn for “besties” as well as a cuddly movie for you and a date. It’s not perfect but looks absolutely beautiful and be sure to watch Harrison Ford give a great performance as Adaline’s boyfriend from back in the day. Young Anthony Ingruber who plays him as a 20-something guy is just an amazing match.

Anthony Ingruber on set with Harrison FordAnthony Ingruber on set with Harrison FordCourtesy of Lionsgate Home Entertainment

Some bloopers and goofs on set are always fun but maybe not for this type of movie. More with Blake on set would have been cool but all extras, especially the one on the style of the film, are entertaining. As we did with the movie review, we go 4 stars.

The Age of Adaline Blu-ray Rating:4

The Age of Adaline Blu-rayThe Age of Adaline Blu-rayCourtesy of Lionsgate Home Entertainment

The Age of Adaline is now available on Blu-ray + DVD!