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Exclusive: Royal Guide To Princessing Video

Jul 24, 2015

Middle school is hard work, even for princesses with #PrincessProblems.  In this series, Rapunzel and Sleeping Beauty show viewers the most “royal way” to solve their everyday problems: how to complete homework/pass that test, find Prince Charming and much more.

Princesses Guide To Homework


Rapunzel and Sleeping BeautyRapunzel and Sleeping BeautyCourtesy of DreamWorksTV

Premieres Sunday July 26th on DreamWorksTV!

Royal Guide to PrincessingCourtesy of DreamWorksTV

Have Your Say

Everyone hates homework but when you’re a princess who says you have to do it alone? Rapunzel and Sleeping Beauty are here to show you their royal guide to getting homework done. What are some of your homework hacks? Let us know in the comments below!