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Jake Goodman from Max and Shred Interview

May 19, 2015

Max & Shred" chronicles the unlikely friendship between celebrity snowboarder Max Asher and science whiz-kid Alvin “Shred” Ackerman who become roommates when Max moves to Colorado to train for the Winter Cup. Jake Goodman stars as Shred, a loveable super smart science whiz-kid, find out more in his Kidzworld Interview!

Kidzworld: The show is shot in Toronto (Canada), where are you originally from?

  • Jake: Yeah, I'm from Toronto.

Kidzworld: Do you think you have any similarities to your character, "Shred"?

  • Jake: Yeah I think so, I'm smart but he's a genius, and I'm not as awkward. He's much more advanced, he's like a bigger version of myself.

Kidzworld: Your character on the show, Shred, is really tapped into the sciences - are you similar, or do you have another favorite subject at school?

  • Jake: My favorite subject is gym! But actual school-wise I would say I really really like Math.

Jake Goodman stars as ShredJake Goodman stars as ShredCourtesy of Pierre Guatreau

Kidzworld: Would you say that you and Jonny Gray (Max) are friends off-set as well? You seem to have natural friend-chemistry on the show.

  • Jake: Oh yeah, we're really close off-set. Like, he lived in London, and on the first day on set his mom didn't realize we would be spending a long time solely in Toronto and she's a Doctor, so she had to go back to her patients, and my mom offered for Jonny to stay at our place because we live close to the set, and so my mom texted my dad, who was away, and said "okay change of plans, this is where everyone is sleeping, and Jonny's in this bed," and he said "Who's Jonny?" You know it wasn't really a stranger but it was awkward, like who is this guy? But we became really close friends.

Kidzworld: What do you like most about the show?

  • Jake: That's tough, I've always really liked being on set and I'm a people person, I like talking to people and learning what goes on on set - it's very cool, lots going on that you wouldn't really think about. I just like the environment. But especially on this show I really like hanging out with the cast and the people. And my character is a very fun character to play.

Jake Goodman and Jonny Gray as Max and ShredJake Goodman and Jonny Gray as Max and ShredCourtesy of Nickelodeon

Kidzworld: What has been your favorite episode to shoot and why?

  • Jake: One of them that really stood out, on one episode Max's mom comes into town and all the family is trying to impress his mom cause she's worried he's in an unsafe environment, and so we're all putting on a show to make her feel like it's a good home, but of course the mom is over-the-top twirling around and the Dad shows up with a snake - which is the last thing anyone would expect. It's Max's birthday, everything goes wrong, it's hilarious.

Kidzworld: If you can't pick your own show, what would you say some of your favorite TV shows are?

  • Jake: This is kind of embarassing but I just finished watching Gossip Girl! I love that show. I'm not really the kind of person who sits down and watches a whole bunch of Netflix, but that show you have to see every episode.

Kidzworld: What would be your dream character to play in the future?

  • Jake: Maybe a superhero? Maybe in 30 years like a new Avengers movie, kind of like how they remake things like Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. A superhero movie would be fun, 'cause I think of all the stunts and stuff we do for Max & Shred and it would just be so much more for a film like that.

Science meets snowboards in Max and ShredScience meets snowboards in Max and ShredCourtesy of Nickelodeon

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