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Minecraft Gets a New Steam Punk Texture Pack!

Oct 30, 2014

Xbox 360 and Xbox One players can download Minecraft's new steam-punk textures right now for only $1.00 (US). On top of the new steam-punk pack, 4J Studios has also re-released the Halloween texture pack and is offering it to fans completely free.

Both texture packs can be found in the Xbox Live Store immediately and feature the same bells and whistles from previous texture packs like themed user-interfaces, block patterns and re-imagined mobs.

old fashioned meets futuristic in the steam-punk texture pack.old fashioned meets futuristic in the steam-punk texture pack.Courtesy of 4J Studios

The steam-punk pack features an appropriate old-fashioned meets futuristic look. With characters wearing goggles and sporting curly mustaches. While the returning - and free - Halloween pack showcases some truly creepy textures and mob skins. Creepers become ghosts and the moon is a now glowing skull!

Creepers are reskinned as Ghosts! Download the FREE Halloween texture pack now!Creepers are reskinned as Ghosts! Download the FREE Halloween texture pack now!Courtesy of 4J Studios

Build creepy, haunted houses with the Halloween texture pack.Build creepy, haunted houses with the Halloween texture pack.Courtesy of 4J Studios

Playstation fans needn't feel left in the cold. 4J Studio's has said on Twitter that they hope to have the steam-punk and Halloween texture packs up in the next couple weeks for PS3, PS4 and PS Vita.

Want to know what we think of Minecraft? Read our game review here!

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